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Everything posted by dib

  1. The good news is that Fiedler may have broken ribs and Feely left the game with a concussion. Sage Rosenfels to the rescue!
  2. "I've got" not, "I got" How many 250 lb receivers do you know of? For that matter how many 250 lb running backs do you know of? And....Mawae was involved in every single play.
  3. Mawae played with a ham taped to his hand. What's up with Milloy?
  4. Same deal at the DIB house. Mrs. DIB said essentially the same thing to me.
  5. Are you watching the same Buffalo Bills we are?
  6. Miami used to always go to 'Jim Jensen when they needed a third down conversion. Everyone knew it, yet he was rarely coverd. Yesterday Chrebet assumed the roll of Jensen. I'm sitting 1400 miles away and I'm screaming at the TV "Somebody lock up Chrebet" Sure enough- 1st down. Prileau (sic) couldnt cover me. Anyway, good news about the Felons Fiedler may have broken ribs Feely suffered a concussion Mare has an injured calf. And, all we have to do is win 11 in a row to make it to the play-offs. If you believe that maybe YOU have a concussion.
  7. This is why I dont go to pee pee park anymore either.
  8. Lets say the Bills find yet another way to lose this game. The jets dont beat them, the Bills give the game away on some dumb@ss penalty or miscue. Where do we go from there? I'm at a loss.
  9. I'm taping the game Hmmm is that what you're calling it now?
  10. I'm not going to take down or put up shutters this week-end.
  11. Given that logic we can shoot for 8-8. Makes my nipples hard.
  12. Kind of makes me want to go and get a hummer. and one of those big cars too. If you work at Hummer, is that considered a Hum job? What?
  13. What a load of crap. Try this one. Could these guys get up for work EVERY day at 5 am and work until 5 pm? Then could they take their kids to games and practices until 9 pm and get up the next day all over again? Could these guys live on less than 89,000$ a week? All these freaks of genetics have ever done is play sports and I'm supposed to give them a break? Doing their best? While we sit and agonize over losses they play and laugh on the sidelines. Why? Because they get paid regardless of their performance. Dont ever tell me these guys need a break- it's all they've ever had their entire lives.
  14. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII dont think so. Take a good look at that roster. You'll sit back, shake your head and say- "Wow"
  15. Did you ever read the short story by King? Iwonder how they stretched it into a movie
  16. i dont know what is says, but im sure i dont like it. 60462[/snapback] It says please bomb us back into the stone age Oops, too late we're already there.
  17. Now all we have to do is figure out how to get the NFL to let the Bills only count the 2nd quarter!
  18. The majority of those fans are not faithful. You've got that right. I dont have to watch the games. I can tell if the Felons won or lost by the number of Dolfelon car flags and jerseys I see the next day. These people here are the biggest bandwagoners I have ever seen, that goes for all sports here and not just the Felons.
  19. The radio station here is basically split on Rick (James) Williams. One guy basically would take him back no matter what ganja boy has done in the past, and the other announcer says "No Way". I believe the Dolfelon fans would boo him until he scores the first time then it would be kiss Ricky's @ss time all over again.
  20. He's 19. What's 'a long time' at nineteen? He said he wants to be a better father than his father was. Perhaps that might mean that he MARRIES his childs' mother. Who the hell is ready to be a father at 19? We'll be hearing more about this later you can be sure.
  21. I thought he stayed with the Bills because he got a bushel basket full of money.
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