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Everything posted by dib

  1. I have that picture as the background on my computer bwahahahahahahaha
  2. The paper (Scum Sentinel) is taking advantage of every shot they can get, as is the radio. "Prevously winless Buffalo" is the catch phrase, not Buffalo, not the Bills Every time they mention Mcgahee they say "University of Miami standout" like it takes some of the sting out because McGahee played down here. The radio mentions Buffalo's 'horrible offensive line' (which by the way man handled the vaunted Miami defense) and 'Bledsoe the statue' (who by the way was only sacked once) There are some great color photos in the paper though and yes I am wearing my Bills shirt to work today. "You're just wearing that shirt to dig all the Dolphin fans arent you" "Why, Yes, Yes I am."
  3. a drunk coming out of a hotel mistakes an admiral for the doorman "call me a taxi" slurs the drunk "Sir, I am an Admiral" the sailor replies "Well then call me a battleship" replies the drunk
  4. Stay fired up. it is Lousiville
  5. Without getting sappy- I have a miniscule family, and losing any member would be devastating. So here is a spine cracking hug for you, and i'll give you one for real if I am ever fortunate enough to meet you in person.
  6. Sure the cardinals score a lot of points- against Army. Miami has allowed 1 td in 4 games. If the Hurricane offense gets on track it will be a long, long, long.............long night for LSU.
  7. I think he wants to show the backs how to cut. What?
  8. Dad is in recovery, the operation took a bit longer than anyone thought. We all hope for a good prognosis. If ever I run into you guys the drinks are on me.
  9. I wrestled with doing this but I'm going to go ahead and ask. My Dad is going in for a colon resection at 8 am this morning. He has cancer. Please say a prayer for him and my mom. I will be leaning heavily on St. Jude for the next few hours myself.
  10. thank you. I vill be here all da veek.
  11. was the paper deliveed bundled with twine, or was it in a sack?
  12. I'm sure she would have, but she would have finished the term. Master.......
  13. The Bills would take a "what the hell" attitude Sunday. You know maybe a reverse or throwback on the kick-off, screens, half back passes. If nothing else make the game entertaining because right now Bills games are like a trip to the dentist. You dread going, it hurts while you're there and you're glad when it's over.
  14. will be to cause errors and avoid errors. Buffalo must play a mistake free game while caussing Dolfelon turn overs. If Fiedler plays you can count on at least two turnovers. Feely-Probably at least one. Rosenfells (sic) he's the wild card. Still no word as to his status for Sunday. Feely is suupossed to be cleared today, no word on earzilla
  15. I just bought the first two seasons of Combat! Comabt-starring Rick Jason.......and Vick Morrow........(cue music, cue explosions)
  16. A cereal called prostituties. They dont snap crackle or pop----they just lay there.
  17. and thermonuclear weapons, dont forget thermonuclear weapons.
  18. Yes it could have been much worse. The Bills could have teased us right up to the very end that there was some slim chance of making the play-offs. It's almost comforting to know that that they're done- put a fork in them. I only hope they sweep the Dolfelons or I'll have to wear a bag on my head for work every day.
  19. Maybe it should read "his mystery of the English languauge"
  20. a marine mammal without external genitalia. I'd like to see that sign at Rich (aka The Ralph)
  21. Here's the really big question- who is the Dolfelon's 4th QB? Feely claims he's good to go, and they're being hush hush about Fiedler. The Felons have been shopping for kickers though so it looks like Mare is out for Sunday at least.
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