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Everything posted by dib

  1. food network? You guys watch the food network?
  2. Mawhine-oh is an egotistical cry baby. I know people that have had dealings with him here and unversally they all agree that he and his wife are *.
  3. his drug test. He wants to come back and play in the NFL ("Dave's not here man.") What kind of signal will the NFL send if this POS is allowed to play this year. What kind of a whore will the Dolfelons be if they take him back. Stay tuned. BTW, if he does come back aqnd play for the Felons I'm definitley going to that game.......I'm thinking of a sign already.
  4. Ok insert joke here. Anyway- Lost is a remake of Forbidden Planet. Each passenger's ID is creating the circumstances just like we're seeing (ie- the Doc chasing his dead dad, the tropical Polar bear) ah, I feel so much better now. Besides I liked Forbidden Planet better too.
  5. You mean 6 feet under meets kung fu meets giiligan's island ? This mini series is a lot like one of Stephen King's novels. A 90 page story stretched into 600 pages.
  6. Ahh Baseball, A thureaaaaa.....thump. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  7. It was a mickey mouse high school trick. Middle Tenn. Was playing the detestable gators ( who dropped Miami as an opponent because they wanted a stronger schedule in the SEC) I guess Midd Tenn had runout of plays and was willing to try anything. They were intercepted on the play. Next week the Gators play the Merchant Marine Academy
  8. Came in one day to find a new computer at my desk. My first thought was "cool" a millisecond later my second thought was "stevestojan" yes boys and girls the contents of my hard drive were gone. Yes I have back up to 90% of the stuff but some stuff like URL's I just left in favorites. Amonor inconvenieince but still an inconvenience. Guess what I found on my desk today. Surprise! It might have been nice to let me know so I could download anything I wanted to save.
  9. maybe the players will chip in and help the fired employees pay their bills.
  10. Not a big deal, you'll find a lengthy thread if you care to look one week back... 75983[/snapback] Guess I missed it, last week was not a good week.
  11. From what was taken it sounds like kids. It also sounds like they knew your schedule. If you can install an alarm because now knowing what you have they may be back for a repeat performance.
  12. Had some sh!tty things to say about Buffalo. Anybody have a line on this? BTW dad is home and said "the plumbing is working"
  13. . A surge protector protects against power spikes, but NOT power sags which can actually be more dangerous to electronics. Is your house dry? Do you shock yourself when touching light switches, etc? Static electricity is also VERY bad for electronics. The house is dry (a/c almost all the time) the unit has been connect to a surge protector. Basically it's been one thing after another over a period of time. Time to say sayonarra (or whatever they say in India) to Dell. But I do heartily agree- you get what you pay for.
  14. He has 8 million reasons for wanting to come back. Dont kid yourself, if he helped the Dolfelons (who would truly earn that name if they take ricky back) win games, his team mates and fans would accept him with open arms.
  15. I have no problem with implants. Weebles wobble but they dont fall down. What?
  16. they should just replace yours without question. 75728[/snapback] That what I thought, and that's what they said. Well-bohica.
  17. Well, lets see. My sound card went down my A drive went down' then did I mention that my cd drive went down Of course if you ignore the hardware problems there are always the software problems, like: I could not connect to the internet The dell will not shut itself down even when told to and now, the latest (drum roll please) the user init sequence has failed and the computer will not open for use. These are only the things I remember off hand, the rest are in a thick file folder at home. There were so many probles that Dell 'promised' if there were any more they would replace the tower. Guess what. Nuh uh. They asked me if I would recommend Dell. I was still laughing when I hung up. Oh, btw, the people the show you talking to for service calls? Well, they live in India.
  18. OK, I've had it with this paperweight they call a computer. And, no I dont want to build one. I'm looking for a good off the shelf model. It wont be a games platform but should be able to handle them (for my kids). Any help would be appreciated.
  19. There's a groundswell movement here for the fans to boycott the Felons games, merchandise, etc etc. As far as crater Wayne is concerned I doubt he cares if those already paid for tickets get used.
  20. The day after tomorrow? Great effects, but the movie ended and I didnt realize it. A real yawner as a plot.
  21. I'm looking for someone to give the temp. down there. They're rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic here. People want to clean house and get rid of Whinestedt and the Spielman. The popular opinion is the reason that Rosenfells isnt starting is that if he performs really well it will make the coach and GM look stupid for not playing him earlier (?). In any case a lot of callers to WQAM have said that they didnt even finish watching the game- turning it off in disgust. Nobody will admit it, but their season tanked the minute Williams quit, and now the radio station is trying to claim that Williams wasnt any good anyway because last year he would run out of bounds instead of taking a hit.
  22. After seeing Edwards play all I can say about Adams is "Dont let the door hit you in your wide wide butt on the way out"
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