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Everything posted by dib

  1. Bah! I have underwear that old. Happy birthday swabbie!
  2. Time to get out the walkman! Thats the ONLY good thing about living here- Sunday Ticket.
  3. God I hope so, but the Sentinel has the Cards favored. Then again it is the Sentinel.
  4. Underdogs in our own house. To the freakin Cardinals no less. Local TV blacked out. Sigh.
  5. Sean Taylor picked up for DUI. Got the world by the short and curlies and he cant call a cab.
  6. Hooters, what about hooters? And, was it cold?
  7. Interesting that Isreal ordered a couple of hundred deep penetrators recently. How odd. I haven't been contacted yet.
  8. they are in Purgatory or something. How ironic that Bills fans should be so interested in a show called "lost" This is a 60 minute plot stretched into 12 weeks. People on the beach- they are in 'hell' people at the spring- they are in 'heaven' what happened to the environmentally impossible Polar bears? If there was one, there had to be at least two more unless this thing fell out of the sky. and, clothes do not take 40 years to rot- especially in a tropical climate. Weeks maybe- not years. Oh, and missed a great opportunity to discover that the 'female' skeleton is actually the chick felon ( the one with little or no boobs that keeps trying to show them off.)
  9. old news, but that means they've discovered the Grey Haven.
  10. I thought THAT was Doug Flutie.
  11. But did they have flat heads, no teeth, and a moustache?
  12. there are only two things that taste like tuna fish and only one of them is.
  13. But just think, if you could wiggle those ears...........................
  14. If they're allergic to the hair on the kitty why dont they just shave it? What?
  15. I think it's time to pull the handles on the ejection seat. eject! eject! eject!
  16. and my all time favorite: "Stay away from her" "Suck my d*ck"
  17. What is it that I'm missing? 87416[/snapback] What was the question? I was thinking about lint.
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