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Everything posted by dib

  1. So lets see, he was able to get on the tarmac, run to the plane and enter the wheel well. Good thing: 1. somebody saw him 2. he wasnt carrying explosives. Farewell and adieu all you fine spanish ladies...........
  2. Right, this is an erudite and tasteful board where we have definite guidlines and rules. Opinions are not allowed. Mrs. Kerry is a rude loud mouthed, arrogant woman, who apparently either lies outright or cannot remember from one moment to the next what she says. As far as the pumps and pills are concerned you seem more familiar with that aspect of anatomy than I since you broach the subject.
  3. Hm, I wonder if we could get Martha Stewart a transfer?
  4. I dont know if there are any pro bowlers but I hear that Sam Adams is really good at badminton. What?
  5. Has apparently retired to the Fuehrer bunker and is unavailable to comment. She was heard muttering references to the 1000 year presidency as she descended the steps into her secluded refuge.
  6. Thats because some of us have cucumbers, and some of us have pickles.
  7. Well, he could of had his wife stand up there and say: "you vill vote for mein husbant UND you vill enchoy it"
  8. Did you know the most popular book in Korea is: '100 ways to wok your dog' What?
  9. If John Kerry wins, then on November 3rd: Everyone will have jobs We win the war on terrorism Everyone in the world loves us again Our schools will turn out bright and insightful students Our ecomomy blossoms and we can all get drugs from Canada. Well that's what he said on his commercials
  10. Speaking of injuries, the Sentinel reports this morning that Seau may have a torn pectoral muscle.
  11. The felons O line is also very soft up the middle, like the cards were.
  12. What fun would this board be if everyone agreed?
  13. They had the usual b/w photos, but I watched the news for an hour this morning before work and there wasnt even a sniff of the game last night.
  14. vote early and often
  15. speaking of crowd shots, I seem to remember the 3 'nuns' that always were always at the Bills games. I see Elvis periodically but I dont remember seeing the 'nuns' lately.
  16. No 'D' No 'O' Also, I knew they lost because there were no highlights on the news this morning. None.
  17. Jets, because I detest the Dolfelons.
  18. WNY people have family and opt to spend haloween taking their kids trick-or-treating. Piss off, dumbass. 94263[/snapback] It's Halloween peckersnot. So how many people do you know that take their kids trick or treating at 1 O'clock in the afternoon? I've been through blizzards and hurricanes so dont whine to me about water going down your neck.
  19. My wife mentioned this. She said he Bills fans should be slapped. MY WIFE mentioned this. She who picks her favorite team on the basis of how pretty their helmet is.
  20. Which is why certain places like the Evansville, Ind. area, won't use it. They're just ticked because it screws up their sun dials
  21. Are you kidding? Forget? It means an extra hour of sleep.
  22. I wouldnt mind giving Halle Berry a big bone.
  23. The last time Willis played on a team that played against against Fitzgerald, Larry only caught 3 passes for minimal yards. Of course that was the Hurricanes against Pitt, but at the time L.F. was touted as being the best reciever since Cathy Willits.
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