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Everything posted by dib

  1. of the wind. Well at least that's what the A.P. said in the scum sentinel. How fortunate for the Bills there was no wind when they had the ball, and how unfortunate for Curtis Martin that he can't run in the wind.
  2. Thufferin Thucotath, and that stupid irritating guffaw of his.
  3. How can they say they showed up without clubs? I'm sure most of them had a woody.
  4. I had to go back and look again
  5. I wonder if any of the girls were at ball washing stations? What?
  6. Man, that was great, thanks for the laugh!
  7. he'll probably play- better living through chemistry.
  8. You know, if we can get his address I can load him up with extra stuff I have and I can copy some DVD's featuring Kelly
  9. Arafats wife and his family have lived in Paris for the past decade. Arafat was even better. offering refuge to a terrorist for 10 years.
  10. Lets see, France opposes the removal of one terrorist, would not allow overflights to attack another and yet fights to save the life of Arafat. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  11. Just one more reason to hate the Felons.
  12. Just one more bit of proof that no one and nothing is going to sneak up and attack us. http://www.wkbw.com/national/national.asp#3
  13. absoflogginglutely.
  14. I eat glue
  15. doesnt he live at home with his mom? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew
  16. by almost everyone, it seems they remember his Washington stint.
  17. are you my daaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-dy?
  18. His name was mentioned as a replacement for Whine stadt but that rumor was quickly squashed.
  19. Jeez BF I hope you didnt have to chew your own arm off this morning.
  20. Was this the post game show without highlights where we got to watch someone talk on a radio station? That made about as much sense as having Charlie McCarthy on radio.
  21. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside
  22. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside
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