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Everything posted by dib

  1. [qu- and sure enough there was this little prop plane. I gave her the dirtiest look and she just kind of shrugged and tried a "I thought told you this is what is was" - yeah right. My wife did that to me once. We flew to Utah. I'm thinking, OK one stop and we arrive in Utah. We go to pick up our tickets and the itinerary looks like a Led Zeppelin tour. I gave her my best "I'll rip your lungs out" look. The best was flying into Chicago- looking out the window it looked like a WW1 dogfight going on.
  2. OK here's the deal. Airlines have cheesed out and are using these little commuter jobs (Delta: Cinci to Buffalo). Since I have such a severe pucker factor about flying (cant drive a needle up my butt with a sledge hammer) the prospect of flying in one of these puddle jumpers does not make me happy. I cant medicate myself (Dr. Jim Beam) because I will be with the family. No other airline flies wide bodies into Buffalo anymore either. So has anyone taken this ride of the Valkyrie, and how was it? On the up side, Buffalo is home January 2nd.
  3. It just didnt look like that big of a hit. I guess he must have landed on it 'just right'
  4. Two gentlemen were discussing their recent travels when one of the gentlemen remarked that he had just returneed from a country where all the women had their boobs on their back. The second gentleman inquired as to what was the use of that. The first gentleman replied: "Not much, but they're fun to dance with."
  5. Once, someone unlocked my Pathfinder's door with half a cinderblock. I know it was a half because I found it in the truck. After rummaging around the POS took my favorite baseball cap and a lunch box. That's it. I called the police and they told me that they wouldnt send anyone out, thye just gave me a case number.
  6. boobs are grand, I love them, but lets not forget about perkies. One of my favorite t-shirts says: " All grown up and still fascinated by nipples" You know, I think I'll make that my signature.
  7. What a shame, Buffalo just lost their best friend in the NFL.
  8. If your going to play with the big boys, you've got to be aware and prepared to be hit. I dont want to get into a p!ssing contest here, but that's spoken like someone who's never experienced a big hit but has lived vicariously through watching one.
  9. No problem hun.
  10. That * dierdork defended the guy that blew up Moorman. It was a cheap shot plain and simple.
  11. dont cut off your nose to spite your face.
  12. The 14 year old really had his poop together. He deserved the scholarship.
  13. Whats the hub bub on Wanny this morning? Thanks guys. No news on Whinestadt. Speculation yesterday was that he'd be a vapor trail by this morning. The latest is that firing him now wouldn't solve anything, however I expect that in December Whinestedt will be applying for a job at Our Lady of Perpetual motion as the head J.V. coach.
  14. You probaby missed the action because you were staring at her cleavage.
  15. My father in law wants to duplicate a number of photos from his WW2/Korea/Vietnam service. I am currently looking at a Canon Canoscan flatbed scanner. Any input would be appreciated.
  16. Das whuh I say meng! Oh, sorry. Been here too long. In my original post i mention that it is the A.P.
  17. Here you go http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/sfl-bil...ports-headlines
  18. Hello darlin'. Things are quite rosey today. The Felons lost and there's not a Dolphin jersey for miles. I think the Bills may have turned a corner as well
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