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Everything posted by dib

  1. it does help, thanks
  2. anybody use one? Can they duplicate surround sound? Looking for a boots on the ground review
  3. I believe the tank you're referring to is a British Valentine tank
  4. pick up the book- The Bedford Boys
  5. I guess GI Joe's machine guns are OK
  6. I googled her (nsfw) Yeah buddy
  7. I was in my parent's finished basement and heard furniture moving upstairs. I thought "Oh my folks are home" went upstairs, there was no one there. When I came home from seeing the Exorcist I turned into the hall corner. The hallway was dark because no one else was home. No one had told me that my folks had installed a mirror at the end of the hall.
  8. The Tiger they use in the movie is the last working tiger in the world, it comes from the Bovington Tank museum
  9. Those are Humboldt squid, they are becoming more and more interactive with people lately. They are big and powerful.
  10. Outscored 14-4 in 3 games. So far they're everyones homecoming team
  11. I've used this before but it still applies. Duke of Wellington after Waterloo "They came on in the same old way and we killed them in the same old way"
  12. why are they showing last years Sabres again
  13. When I fly you couldnt drive a needle up my butt with a sledge hammer I'm so puckered. I immerse myself in crossword puzzles and try not to think about being 6 miles up at 600 mph.
  14. Thats on my bucket list
  15. the cat would never run out of milk
  16. After being run off the road a couple of times, i find indoor riding is safer. Also someone suggested hills, well south florida is flatter than Olive Oil.
  17. if she didnt want to get pregnant she should stay away from cucumbers
  18. is it better to increase resistance and keep time constant, or to increase the duration of the ride? I'm at 30 minutes now.
  19. So Sauron is back?
  20. only one. i wonder what happened.
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