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Everything posted by dib

  1. But, there is no doubt about it, Drew Bledsoe is a nice man. 119858[/snapback] My Dad is a nice man but he couldnt QB the Bills either.
  2. Well, at least we have hockey. What?
  3. My wife and I looked at each other and said "someone's going to hear about this". I guess ABC is grasping at straws for ratings, and what was all the hub bub about the superbowl boobage offending the kids. "But daddy why is that lady taking her clothes off in the locker room?"
  4. Congratulations. A daughter huh. My own is turning 17 in 2 months. You think you have problems now.............. Actually, she's turning into a great person. But there's this driving thing, and prom coming up............
  5. I'm begining to think that the Massalon Ohio Tigers could beat the Bills. No freakin secondary coverage. No offensive play sequence- it's "Lets roll the dice and see if this works"
  6. I say we bury jesey #11 with a stake between the 1's. Place a garlic wreath on it and sprinkle holy water around the site. 11 has brought us much grief
  7. I printed the instructions and I'll look forward to seeing anyone and everyone that shows up.
  8. Since we're going to be in Buffalo ( i hate flying) I bought tickets for my son and I (I hate flying) I know, I know it's an excersize in futility, but he and I can spend the day together and watch the Bills in person (did I mention I hate flying) So if anyone is going I'd like to drop by (still hating flying).
  9. The only game left at home (when I get up to Buffalo) is against Pittsburgh.
  10. I didnt make it that far, I turned it off in the first quarter
  11. I just made airline reservations for Buffalo. Severe pucker factor.
  12. Has proclaimed the Bills/Dolphin game a winnable game for the Felons.
  13. Nobody gives the opposing fans any stevestojan and everybody has a great time. Then you have never been to a Miami/FSU or Miami/Gator game.
  14. Mom is just pleased as punch with what she has done, but as was previously stated what about when she's in her 70's and the kids are teenagers?
  15. All I can say is, that's Miami for ya. Miami is LA of the east, just basically another cesspool of humanity with no direction, at it's finest. Hey! Wait a minute I.......well.......hm, I guess you're right.
  16. I didnt catch that, but from what I have seen it seems like bucket head is just going to play out the season. I wonder how many empty seats there will be when the Bills play at Pee Pee park. I may just go after all.
  17. Feely has been annointed as starter for the Felons. I dont see him as an upgrade for the Felons, but I would imagine we'll be seeing a whole lot of new faces this year in Habanna Norte, now that Whinestadt is gone.
  18. I dont care I'd still play motorboat in them
  19. Could be, they came from a place where Mom and Dad are Brother and sister. So I guess first cousins woulndt be off limits. I know when Ellie May was in her prime (not now dear God) I would have given her an animal she could have taken care of.
  20. ] . And yes I think we should have dropped those bombs. I concur most heartily. If the Allies had invaded Japan (Operation Olympic and OPeration Coronet) the casualties would have run literlly into the millions. And yes japanese men women and children would have been enlisted in the slaughter. If you object to the Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki how do you feel about the fire bombing of Dresden and Tokyo? Ever hear of a place called Nanking?
  21. I dont understand why the networks are treating his death like a national day of mourning. I guess however we can't celebrate and send up fireworks for fear of offending the Palestinians. It's a good thing he came from a warm climate. He'll be used to the heat.
  22. I guess Jethro should have bagged Miss Hathaway after all.
  23. Someone should drop a house on her.
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