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Everything posted by dib

  1. You didnt think these guys were going to school for a degree did you?
  2. I've been a Mitsu freak for years, but this Sony 51 in. projection tv intrigues me.
  3. The scum sentinel basically claimed that it wasnt so much that the Bills won, but that the Felons 'lost'. There was however a great color picture of Big Pat running back the int. In the background you can see Feely and the expression on his face looks like he just crapped himself.
  4. Did the teams we beat have winning records when we played them?
  5. Thanks Fez, and damn it brought up another question HDTV vs. HD ready TV
  6. My trusty and faithful Mitsubishi is showing signs of myopia and Alzheimers. So (sigh) I have to go T.V. shopping. My question is when is the best time to go? Before Christmas ( entering into mortal combat with other shoppers) or wait until after Christmas when stores get rid of the 2004 models. I'll probably stick with Mitsu, and am looking into the 50-60in. rectangular range.
  7. Whats the big deal- he wasnt here this year.
  8. I like the one next to Becky.
  9. "We're not birds we're a jug band" classic Jug band? what kind of pervert are you? What? Mine: Muppet Christmas Carol (Light the candle not the rat) It's a Wonderful Life and of course- Charlie Brown
  10. one minute for each?
  11. 10/11 neener neener neener
  12. Damn, what am I supposed to do with my plaid shirt, bib overalls and the hat with the fold down ear flaps? How exactly do Canadians dress anyway?
  13. That's true. Once I bought a french rifle. It had never been fired and only dropped once.
  14. Anyone? Anyone?
  15. Dont worry, it's French. It probably wouldnt work anyway.
  16. You have to admit that having a Hummer is essential to be able to negotiate those speed bumps at shopping malls.
  17. Does this mean that ND wont have it's own personal tv contract anymore and we wont have to have them shoved down our throats every saturday regardless of who they play?
  18. 4) How do they manage to get the "M" on EACH AND EVERY M&M. "M's"? I thought they were "w's"
  19. If you need a copy of the comeback game, it's no problem at all. 144215[/snapback] I might, I'll inventory my stuff. I also have a bunch of stuff I'd like to sell- stuff like a Bills clock and the guy that sings the Monday night theme (in a Bills Uni) I just have too much and I have to liquidate. I'll be gone until Monday but afterward I can give a full accounting.
  20. I was there for that one, he knocked out the DB. My favorite though is beating the Felons for the first time in the Orange Bowl. I think I was the only Bills fan on that side of the stadium.
  21. I'll be there for both. What's up?
  22. That ranks up there with the "I didnt know it was loaded "defense
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