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Everything posted by dib

  1. Tonight, Stanton said: "It wasnt about the money." really.
  2. does the bottle have a twist off cap?
  3. 56 here in so fla and people are dressing like it's ice station zebra. I have on shorts and a t-shirt
  4. Just reported that 1:30 american children are homeless. Followed by a story that Carlos Stanton will be making 68,000$ a day after signing his Marlins contract. WTF is wrong with this country?
  5. I walked to school uphill both ways
  6. thank you everyone, we'll be planning.
  7. lot of empty seats in the stadium
  8. Ch 10 just said the Dolphin game will be packed tonight. I laughed and thought "right probably mostly Bills fans"
  9. Land of the free because of the brave
  10. My wife and I are contemplating an Alaskan cruise. Information regarding Cruise Lines, fly/cruise options, etc would be greatly appreciated from someone with boots on the ground.
  11. A mammal without external genitalia. It had to be said.
  12. It will hit earth the year Buffalo makes the playoffs
  13. I want to live long enough to see humans land on Mars
  14. Thank You Dad- China Burma India Thank you Uncle Ray- D-Day, Western Europe Thank You Dziadzi- Guadalcanal, Korea, Viet Nam Thank You cousin Marty-Viet Nam
  15. If my aunt had testicles she'd be my uncle
  16. Players go in as tight ends and leave as wide receivers
  17. great now i have to gouge my eyes out
  18. yes the M-1 uses an en bloc clip, not a magazine. I bought an M-1 and a Carbine from the CMP
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