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Everything posted by dib

  1. I remember SRO at the Aud. This was after they lifted the roof. We were so high up I swear we were looking straight down at the ice.
  2. shaddup ya pussmonkey.
  3. ketchup is a vegetable............isn't it?
  4. Well if it's any consolation my son just finished his fall hockey season winning the championship 2-0.
  5. Which CD is his?
  6. I rarely laugh at something Leno says; Carson was, as you say, a true comic genius. Leno is a hack. He's worse at reading cue cards than Bob Hope ever was. I'll miss Canrac and the Mighty Carson Art players.
  7. When the Bills played the steelers in Buffalo I had to listen to Spitsburg fans rant about their #1 defense. It's the job of that defense to keep the score from going to 41.
  8. WQAM 560 radio in the land of the cockroach has already annointed The Flying Elvises as the winner. Go Iggles. Bury the demon.
  9. Hey it was my turn. "Farewell and adieu all you fine Spanish ladies" Either movie.
  10. As close as I can come is the name of the unit as a whole "The Electric company" Was Seymore (sic) the tight end at the time?
  11. The last boy scout.
  12. He didnt have the energy? He's 17. What a kitty.
  13. "I asked for a car, I got a computer. How's that for being born under a bad sign?" 213524[/snapback] Colossus: The Forbin project. What?
  14. BTW---Can two women have sexual intercourse? Not according to Bill Clinton. What?
  15. I thought that has '69'. What? Sounds like an episode of 'Friends'.
  16. I get such a laugh out of the commercial where the guy in brd is talking to a Dell service rep. I kept thinking- funny he doesnt sound Indian.
  17. Dell. Rhymes with Hell
  18. I want the Steelers to beat the Pats and lose to the Eagles.
  19. "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."
  20. Ah, I just read the link. Ransom Everglades huh? I know the place. The poor kids park their Porsches in the back. What a hoity toity school for a guy that has no money.
  21. Quick! Round up a dream team. "If she didnt resist- you must desist"
  22. Gee, no more: Ray screws up, tries to cover it up, and gets berated by his wife. What to do. What to do. It's the Lucille Ball show only Ray plays Lucy's role
  23. He's a mercenary. He'll play where they pay him. Period.
  24. I always thought racing stripes were the brown marks in underwear.
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