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Everything posted by dib

  1. Barbie is said to be greatly relieved. Ken was unavailable for comment.
  2. I don't care if he has more illegitimate children than that old lady that lived in a shoe.... 225950[/snapback] Guess who gets to pay for his kids if he doesnt? Speaking of b@stards- Ricky Williams is down here fighting a child support charge
  3. Geez I dont know, porn has pretty much always been the same.
  4. If you're not planning on getting married, but plan on getting 'some', there's this thing called "birth control". Having kids out of wedlock is irresponsible and does a disservice to the child.
  5. Bravo! Author! Author!
  6. There's nothing wrong with being obsessed with nudes. What?
  7. I will trade schedules any day.
  8. She probably suddenly realized she was still married to Bill.
  9. The books are good. 221902[/snapback] I agree. the book was good and the movie was a travesty. Ever read the Worldwar series by Harry Turtledove?
  10. Why spend all that money to do the same thing that he could do at home ( watch the game in a bar?) Prices in J-Ville will be inflated besides. If he wants to get out for the weather then more power to him. Otherwise, watch with the buds.
  11. Is that the one where there are no live actors at all and EVERYTHING is cgi? If it ewren't for LOTR there would be no Star Wars.
  12. With the prices Disney is charging the winner of the superbowl probably couldnt afford to go to Disney anyway.
  13. My fault, I misread and jumped to a conclusion.
  14. Four minutes before the grounding the sub was in over 6,000 feet of water! Submarine depths are classified, besides at 6,000 feet it would be more than a mile underwater, prodigous even for submersibles much less submarines.
  15. I get 30 minutes. Yep- 30, not even enough time to pinch a loaf.
  16. I disagree. I live in Miami and watch a lot of their games. The fish used McMichael as a blocker during the secondf half of the year and the line gave up a lot less sacks. 220280[/snapback] and he pissed and moaned about having to do it too.
  17. The radio station likes the deal, IMHO I think it sucks because the felons dont have a 2nd round pick until 2006, and Henry stays int he division, and it helps the felons. The only fan I heard call in however stated categorically that he does not want henry.
  18. It's the Polock in me, I suppose. What's his name?
  19. Could you imagine the horror if the terra-rists' lawn-mower-destructing technology surpassed ours? We cannot allow a lawn mower gap Mein Fuhrer
  20. You're making a dangerous assumption, a few actually. You assume that terrorists organize like conventional armies and that a surgical strike will take them out. They're a hydra. Take off one head and two more grow. Have you ever tried to keep ants/roaches out of your house? It's nearly as impossible as keeping terrorists out of this or other countries. Terrorists will not be content to remain in their home country and wait to be killed. They will bring the war to us.
  21. He would only need Bilbo and Gandalf.
  22. Welcome to middle age.
  23. The government is spending 80 billion on Iraq and Afghanistan but they say 11 billion is too much money to spend on protecting commercial aircraft from shoulder launched missiles. They didnt say they couldnt do it, they said it was too expensive. If I'm a terrorist I'm heading for 'stingers 'r us.' Of course I guess there's not much you can do about a Barret sniper rifle.
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