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Everything posted by dib

  1. It's the jersey. #11. Bury it with a stake between the ones.
  2. What's the difference between God and Steve Spurrier? God doesnt think he's a football coach.
  3. Dear God no! He's a Gator!
  4. Why doesnt EA sports tell the NHL to kiss off ( what would they base their games on anyway?) and Market a college level hockey game? I'm sure the schools involved would be delighted to revenue share the money the NHL teams must have been getting.
  5. No Hockey League. I sincerely hope you kissed all the little guys that you farked by canceling the season. The guys whose restaraunts and bars depended on post game clientel. The people who worked in the stadiums before and after games, and countless other people who worked because you played. I think it would be nice to do to the hockey mercenaries what Reagan (?) did the the striking air traffic controllers (who served a much more legimate purpose btw) Fire all their arses and start anew next year. Get PLAYERS not money grubbing b@stards that cant do anything else but play hockey. You're dinosaurs boys. You're hyperadapted and unable to evolve, and you know what happens then. We visit you in museums because you're extinct. See ya.
  6. My wife says she gets aftershocks. what?
  7. Will TD play some kind of montage of Drew's greatest passes? To our team or theirs?
  8. I concur. The dish doesnt have to be out much to cause a signal drop. I might also get rid of the cover. Check which transponder you are using 1 and 2 are the only 24 hr transponders.
  9. I like your boobies better, they're bigger than my wife's
  10. Doesnt matter. My son has evaluations for the next hockey season tonight. The defense of the cup begins.
  11. Ont he radio this morning the sports commentator suggested that the Felons may be interested in Drew because Saban wants a 'veteran, on the QB staff.
  12. I become completely disgusted to find she is wearing a zach thomas body paint bathing suit. OK fine, but is it cold?
  13. NG, has to carry the weight of our lab on his shoulders. Wait, you work in a lab and you have an infection that isn't responding to antibiotics. Holy superflu Batman!
  14. I think anyone that follows a show like this should be horsewhipped. If you're going to put a show like this on the air, put it on PPV and call it "The World's biggest gang bang"
  15. Well they also spelled 'hooray' horray. Kind of dampens the mood.
  16. NFL history site isnt coming up, and the Bills site doesnt have the info I need. I have a Bills helmet, white, blue cage, rampant buffalo. #23 inside. I have a list of #23 players but I cant find what year the Bills had the white helmet with the blue cage. I'm guessing after 1974. Anyone? Anyone?
  17. Was on ECL last night. Sorry I didnt know it was on sooner I'd have recorded it. Bills won 29-28
  18. I'm past caring. My son's 2nd season begins soon and he plays because he likes it, not for the fat paycheck. Let these guys go out and earn a real pay check, not these fortunes for playing a game.
  19. This is why the Dolfelons take the 'short bus' to the airport. Even for home games.
  20. #2? I dont even know who # 3 is. I hang my head in shame. My son asked me who our #3 QB is. I didnt know. I drew a blank. Frogive me.
  21. King has mastered the fine art of turning a 100 page story into a 500 page novel. IMHO hos best- The Stand, Salems Lot, and under a psudonym- the Talisman
  22. What if the reason they haven't been rescued is that 'they are everybody'. i.e. there's no one left on earth, See: Twilight zone: 'Demon with a glass hand' There is a lot of similarity in the "Everyone's gone" theory.
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