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Everything posted by dib

  1. He may not be Hugh Hefner, but he is Hugh Heffer. Of course I have heard if you pound beef it makes it more tender. If he was doing sheep someday he'd have to ansewr the question " Are you my Da-a-a-a-a-addy?"
  2. I wonder how thick the wall was. I'm trying to picture this. No, wait. No I'm not.
  3. Suicidal wings..... My mouth has bandages on it because those Wings were so hot last night... If you think your mouth has bandages wait until you take (leave) a dump.
  4. yes, you just have to lean forward a little more. Me, I have to lean forward A LOT.
  5. The dolfleons have been busy clearing cap space. Whether they wil have enough or not is anyone's guess.
  6. It was on WQAM this morning. They have a website, I believe it's simply wqam.com.
  7. 1. Jeff Wright 2. Ray Bentley 3. Schobel 4. Adams Do the math
  8. Jennings. If not Carey goes to left tackle. A couple of sniffs about Seau not coming back.
  9. . It's the malcontents of society that feel some sort of need to cause strife. like the sob's that sat in front of me at the pittsburgh game
  10. Shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attack, an editorial appeared in my local paper. It gist of it was- No more hyphens. No more African-American, Cuban-American, whatever-American. Simply American. I wish we could adopt this mind set.
  11. It's a business. He's a mercenary. Can you see him at the end of his contract saying: "Gee no thanks boys, I'm going to turn down that juicy raise because I do so love it here in Buffalo." He's pissed because it was done to him before he could have done it to Buffalo.
  12. #23. This is what it could have been this year without egos. Kenny would step in and the Offense wouldnt miss a beat. There were times I didnt realize Thurman wasnt in the game
  13. He's damaged goods AND he wants to go some place that he'll be a starter. Of course this place may be Edmonton, but nevertheless.......
  14. For a second I thought is was a close up of a mole on somebody's skin that resembled a buffalo. Too bad- could have sold it on e-bay
  15. This (oral sex) is more common in schools than you would like to believe. The thinking is, that it's not really 'sex' per se since their isnt any penetration. (Sound familiar Bill?) On the other hand it isnt uncommon to see girls on school grounds that are 8-9 months pregnant. The schools however are not allowed to teach birth control.
  16. It's east of west virginia.
  17. Bravo. Author! Author!
  18. Bite me.
  19. It's me. In my youthful enthusiasm I figured everything would be proper and correct to begin with.
  20. Thats right , if you're too damn stupid to learn to read and write, expand your vocabulary and learn how to spell, let something else do it for you. How's that for a run-on sentence?
  21. The picture makes this guy look like he's from the planet Zantar. He wants to dress like a soldier- Let him be one. Send him to Iraq, or to the 'Stans. Let him serve as an organic mine detector.
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