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Everything posted by dib

  1. Battle of New Orleans- Johnny Horton
  2. whole new definition for 'head'
  3. I know its not wings, but does anyone remember The Mighty Taco's Asbestos Underwear hot sauce?
  4. you can play outside in a snowstorm, in a Hurricane not so much
  5. if you play the clip backwards Orion makes a successful landing
  6. Oh look is that Al Sharpton in the background?
  7. He's on his back like the wh*re he is
  8. they're french right? enough said.
  9. When did this tradition of shouting wooooooooo start. Get a crowd together, put a camera on them- woooooooooo Finish a sentence-wooooooo Live tv show audiences-woooooooooo Like a bunch of freakin howler monkeys. there. I feel better now.
  10. Anyone see the youtube video of the Bills light display in Lancaster? Freakin Awesome. 2014 Powers Lights Buffalo Bills house
  11. Happy Thanksgiving. My son is coming home tomorrow. It'll be a great Turkey Day. My daughter and son in law come home in December, it will be the first time we'll all be together in a year.
  12. There are hungry and homeless people. Schools/roads/infrastructure need repair. Teachers are underpaid. Yet you seem comfortable with an athlete makes 68000$ a day for playing a game. He's not a pediatric heart surgeon, nor does he contribute to society. Beyond the baseball field he's useless. Thats my problem.
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