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Everything posted by dib

  1. and what will he get to rhyme with ESPN?
  2. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.
  3. I have a neighbor thats, well, he's an *. 3 or 4 in the morning and he's reving his car ( which he has set up to sound like a 747) and having a grand old time with his buddies, with emphasis on the f-word every other word. He's clearly audible in my house and my kids dont need to hear this. My house stinks from exhaust fumes when he works on his car because he revs the sh*t out of it. His buddies bring their cars over and it looks like a used car lot. This is not an unusual circumstance. I've already spoken to him, and since I cant kneel on his chest and pound his head into a pulp, I'm looking for options. Yes, the police have been contacted but I'd like to get up close and personal. The kid is about 19, no dad at home and he makes his mom park in the drive so he can have the 2 car garage to himself. Help me Obi Wan before I am taken away in hand cuffs.
  4. I'd do her with or without headphones.
  5. OK a lesson, and pay attention because I'm only going to say this once. The term redneck has it's origins in the fact that since farmers were stooped and looking at the ground all day the backs of their necks got red. Tomatos (which are grown in Homestead) are apparantly grown by farmers Q.E.D. tomatoes area associated with rednecks 1) because they are grown extensively in Homestead, and 2) the people growing and harvesting them have "red-necks". I hope the next time you order a BLT someone says to you: "Sorry, you are a fruit"
  6. How can you equate East Aurora, Amherst et. al. with the tomatoe growing, nascar racing environs of Homestead ?
  7. First of, Dolfans are not rednecks Then you've never been to Homestead.
  8. Just went to the Buccaneer website for ticket info- their season tickets are sold out. (No I dont want season tickets) I was just surprosed that they have a waiting list. Packers I knew about but this was a surprise.
  9. niether of the Dolfelon fans think much of the Bills as a rival anymore, now they have a wild hair up their arse about the Jets.
  10. Does anyone know how this works? I imagine that I would have to contact the away team office, but would the Bills sell tickets in a visitors 'block' as it were, so that I can sit amidst Bills fans. I also have to find out when single game tickets go on sale.
  11. These people are freakin nuts.
  12. I checked my rats @ss. It doesnt care.
  13. I'm 50 and have an expectancy of 84.8. Bull. I'm going for 100
  14. Would female dudes be called Dudettes? what about juvenile dudes? Dudelings?
  15. he just chews them for the taste and then lets the crumbs fall out of his mouth, like a runway model eats. The xanax diet. Take two and the food falls out of your mouth
  16. "I think we're gonna need a bigger Ron Mexico" Jaws.
  17. I wonder if it's the same girl that I knew when I lived there. What?
  18. From an old movie: Horatio Hornblower (ironic eh) "For that which I am about to receive, I thank Ron Mexico"
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