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Everything posted by dib

  1. I was always puzzled by people that would jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Currahee.
  2. My mother and father were in the iron and steal business. My Mother Ironed and my father stole. My Grandfather was an old indian fighter. My grandmother was an old Indian. Thank You I vill be here all da veek.
  3. Maybe he was inspired by watching the movie "Little Giants"
  4. See, I told you that you wouldnt understand.
  5. I'm sorry that Lindell had a long last year. I feel wretched.
  6. Jim autographed my copy of 'Armed and Dangerous'
  7. Members of the Miami Dolfelons try to entice the Bison by describing the size of their members.
  8. I wonder if they'd let me take it to the Markham PArk shooting range
  9. How would you get Chris Rix off of your front porch? Pay him for the pizza.
  10. I still dont understand why the Bills took Roscoe. He's too damn small. He's very fast but the Bills claim we're all set at returner. As far as Everret is concerned he never impressed me at Miami, so his pick is a mystery also.
  11. Ah, Chris Rix. The Hurricanes best player.
  12. Yes but what's more important is that Major Dundee comes out that day also.
  13. I can hear it over the PA now- La La La La La LaWaylon!
  14. I think I saw that movie. What?
  15. Down here in Habana Norte they are chomping at the bit to get Edwards. At least the fans are anyway.
  16. and the pants are crotchless.
  17. sorry if this has been on already http://www.freep.com/news/latestnews/pm3841_20050421.htm
  18. Pinnochio must be hurting right about now.
  19. Miami 31- Nebraska 30. and..... Wide right Wide right Wide left
  20. Well gosh all mighty. According to the test I am definitely a yankee.
  21. We're in the early stages of planning. I've even found a couple of hotels within crawling, er.....walking distance of the stadium.
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