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Everything posted by dib

  1. Listening to WQAM this morning and Hank (Jabba the Hutt) was interviewing Jim. Jim refered to Dan Ma-Whine-oh as......gulp...... a friend! I almost drove off the road. Hank the Hutt kept referring to Jim as- "Jim". I was ranting- dont you dare call him Jim you Dolfelon homer- you call him Mr. Kelly! OK.....time to go to my happy place.
  2. Finger injury? My God now a day that means he'll be out 6-8 weeks!
  3. Wasnt he that little Italian Mouse? Oh wait that was Topo Gigio. Never mind.
  4. It's a shame it wasnt a poisonous snake.
  5. My son and I saw a #11 Bills home jersey on this guy. We commiserated and agreed he was a jerk, a fool and a buffoon for wearing a Bledsoe jersey. Well, then he turned around and it said "Parrish" on the back. Our opinion changed to: "Aw, cool". Didnt get to speak to the guy though the place was a madhouse.
  6. Is serius cheaper than sirius? I'm serious.
  7. Just saw last night (by accident) that direct tv will be showing the Bills packer scrimmage. They, in essence said they were all fired up about it. I thought- geez at last the Bills get some press. I'm tired of the friggin "Jaguar Summer".
  8. If you have the NFL channel the Bills camp (among others) will be on at 7pm tonight.
  9. she has 69 actuators in her lower body There are actuators for that?
  10. The big wad of wuss didnt show for practice today either. Said he had to have an MRI on his back. Do you think it would be wrong if I showed up at camp with a big rolled up piece of newspaper that looked like a joint? I e-mailed Jimmy Cefalo (ch 10 news reporter) about my feelings about Ricky. Oddly I got no response. Go figure......
  11. He claimed he was innocent (deja vu all over again) but he's going to pay the fine anyway.
  12. Nick Saban chewed out rookie DT Manny Wright yesterday. Manny who is 6 foot 6 and weighs 329 lbs walked off the field...........................crying. Later, Saban, who more and more seems to talk out of both sides of his mouth, apologized to Manny. Kiss kiss kiss. This team is like a bag of trail mix- it's full of fruits and nuts.
  13. I was watching channel 7 when they interrupted a story about a murder to go to Slick Ricky in his news conference. i guess murders in Miami are so commonplace they opted for the unusual, and what is more unusual than Rick. The soundbite I liked was: " If you quit that implies that you quit"
  14. As per the Sun Sentinel Channing Crowder: aggravated battery/disorderly conduct Matt Roth: Public intoxication/fake drivers' license Abram Elam: convicted of sexual battery Randy McMichael: domestic violence/criminal trespass Manuel Wright: assault with a deadly weapon/vandalism/violation of probation David Boston: simple assault/performance enhancing substance abuse Ricky Williams: enough said Quintin Williams: drunk driving/drag racing (cut by the Felons) Marti Huizenga is an honorary member of the board of trustees for Women in distress. She was unavailable for comment. 5 years ago Wayne vowed to work harder to "hire players with cleaner slates" oops.
  15. Hmmmmmmmmm Oddness continues. Last night McMichael was cited for domestic abuse against his wife. This morning the runner on the bottom of the TV said she was his 'girlfriend'.
  16. the wife is already spinning the story claiming that it was an accident. (Like my new Jaguar and my new 4 million dollar ring?) Sorry Hon, 4 witnesses say he wacked you. Liar Liar pants on fire.
  17. "ticked off?" He 'mite' be. Better a landfill than someplace where moms and dads are brothers and sisters.
  18. Randy McMchael was arrested in Georgia ( as per channel 10 news) for domestic violence.. I guess he popped his wife......again * he tagged her last year too but the prosecuter decided not to pursue the case). He dragged her from the car and she had a bloody nose. I cant wait to hear the spin on this one. "I fell officer. it wasnt his fault. Dont you like my new Jaguar?"
  19. I get those too, plus I've been approved for about 6 billion dollars in home loans too.
  20. Man...That sucks...Go Noles!!!! Directions to Tallahassee: Go North until you smell it, Go West until you step in it. It's a Canes thing, you wouldnt understand.
  21. I get my fix from my son's games. He's scored 6 goals in 6 games. One game was a hat trick.
  22. . Fort Lauderdale and Coconut Grove are in the area Lauderdale is close and easily accesible. The Grove is 30 minutes south and you will have to drive on I-95.
  23. anybody see "Watch the skies" on Turner classic tonight? I think I saw almost all of those old sci-fi movies.
  24. How 'bout SQSHFSH? I renewed my licence today. 3 hours at the DMV
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