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Everything posted by dib

  1. My perfect Bills season: The Bills beat the Dolphins twice. The Hurricanes beat Florida State.
  2. Our team sucks. And Ice is gone. Deal with it. At least you're not bitter
  3. ``This may have negative ramifications on his pending criminal case in Miami,'' Griffith told The Associated Press. gee, you think so? 407993[/snapback] No, not if he's a Dolphin player
  4. "Gort, Klaatu, Nikto, Barada."
  5. T.O. is an attention whore and as long as the media indulges him- he wins. Let him fade into obscurity. Better yet let him find a different job that would pay him the same salary. Let him work 40-50 hour weeks.
  6. The only place the Bills cheerleaders look good is in Madden.
  7. Thats almost as bad as 30,000 lbs................of bananas.
  8. But by the time the NFL channel replays the game on Wed. they'll all have had extra days to heal. What?
  9. I've read wrist/arm/hand regarding Parrish. What's the down and dirty?
  10. If they skipped an episode how would you know? Oh wait, it's the one where they look at something you cant see on screen.
  11. The Dolfelons are probably salivating.
  12. Looks like Jeb will run in 2008, eh? Jeb runs in 2008 and I move to New Zealand. He's the governor here and he's an *
  13. How long will that program remain division 1?
  14. They that that it maketh you thexier. Perthonally I find it thick.
  15. didnt those big k-band dishes go out with skylab?
  16. Thats kind of like: Would you rather be poked in the eye with a sharp stick or have a bowling ball dropped on your foot.
  17. How ironic, he spent the year on IR in my franchise mode of Madden 2005
  18. The Scum Sentinel this morning said they didnt know what was more embar-ass-ing the fact that Feely sprianed his butt or that he couldnt get his shoe on.
  19. I can stop holding my breath now.
  20. Would it have been more alliterative if the name was: "Snuss are us"?
  21. Oh no. Please be wrong.
  22. What about on cloudy days that are..............cold.
  23. This is the second time they did this, I was waiting to see it last week also and what a surprise- no training camp.
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