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Everything posted by dib

  1. Wanna-stache will drive yet another team into the ground.
  2. I'd heard the same thing, as well as blocks and blocks of houses that were to be bulldozed.
  3. A lot of when you can get it depends on when you ordered it. I pre ordered one months ago so I expect to see it in Sept/Oct. If you havent ordered it yet from McFarlane you may have to wait a bit unless it turns up in a store. I've found Toy's 'r Us usually carries a nice selection.
  4. It might be easier to find if you look for weck instead.
  5. "Duh, we live in acity below sea level, but we'll have no plan to leave in case we get hit! Duh!" 426461[/snapback] It would be an even bigger 'duh' if they rebuilt in the same area. "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me."
  6. Hunter killer teams on roof tops. Spotter/sniper with a Barrett. Let the food/water go, shoot anyone looting money/jewelry, etc.
  7. To borrow a term from Richard Marcinko: BOHICA Bend over, here it comes again.
  8. and a bunch of them are from Louisiana
  9. )(^$)(@^@&*^#$ firewall
  10. looking for a job. On second thought, I don't care either.
  11. a major fault line in the ground. As opposed to? The Niagara gorge is part of that fault.
  12. What do you get when you cross Dracula with a Louisville slugger? A vampire bat.
  13. [ And paying $20 twice a week equals paying $40 once, doesn't it? I mean, heck, you're going to use the gas. It's not like it's a waste to fill it and it will just go unused. 423813[/snapback] It's purely psychological- like $9.99 sounds better that $10.00
  14. Get ready to send this to the political board. Maybe the Saudis whom we protected and the Iraqis that we 'liberated' can send us increased volumes of gas? Maybe Bush can freeze prices? Maybe we can STOP manufacturing USV's (Urban shopping vehicles) so women can have a 6 ton truck with bruch catchers with which to go over the speed bumps to the supermarket. Gee I dont know, where does NASCAR and Formula 1 get their fuel from- surely it cant be petroleum.
  15. Add in 90 mph winds winds and there you have my last Friday.
  16. My in luck- what?
  17. I have 'discussions' with people all the time down here about Buffalo and among other things Buffalo's weather. "Oh it snows all the time up there" to which I reply "Maybe, but a snow storm never blew my roof off and spread it over 3 counties." Oh, btw, I'm almost done repairing the Katrina damage to my house. The worst I ever had to do in Buffalo was shovel out the drive.
  18. I plead insanity. Katrina was making me crazy and I missed my picks.
  19. So what you're saying is that you dont think that the Burger King could have intercepted Drew and then run it back for a touchdown?
  20. I used to really enjoy SHOUT! because of the home town feel of the paper. I had to have it delivered first class because down here in Habana Norte it was more often than not inercepted and disappeared. Bills digest seems to sterile for me.
  21. Here's my 2 cents- Brennans Bowery Bar
  22. Buffaloha already uses this design. I have one of those shirts from a while ago.
  23. Thank you one and all. Now I'm off to repair Hurricane damage. All in all I'd rather have some rettata/
  24. The irony is so thick you can cut it with a knife
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