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Everything posted by dib

  1. He's running off the field asking "who wants the ball" and I'm jumping up and down in my living room yelling "ME! ME!" I remember when Kelly was throwing balls into the stands after the '90 AFC championship game. I was in the end zone and he kept throwing the balls into the stands behind the bench. Made me nuts.
  2. Same old same old. The game was tight until the second half, then the heat and humidity took over. Many of the Broncos were complaining about the heat (114 degrees on the field) and having to get IV's to be hydrated. Dolphins of course made sure that the Broncos had their dark jerseys on. Believe me I dont wear anything dark if I'm even just cutting the grass.
  3. Watching the game I had to check the calendar to see if it was the 1990's all over again. I dont think I said a 'bad' word once the whole game.
  4. My two favorite teams are the Bills and anyone who plays the Patsy-rots
  5. Ah, Detroit. 2nd most dangerous city in the U.S. http://www.morganquitno.com/cit05pop.htm
  6. I was thinking in terms of it being a live ball and lost out of the end zone. Safety.
  7. If a player touches a kick-off in the end zone, and then muffs the ball and it goes out of bounds, out of the end zone- is this a safety? Would the rule be the same in college as in the pros?
  8. It would be nice if CBS sent a D-cup team. I know..........still Madden.
  9. Is Gus Johnson the one that sounds like a 100 year old amnesiac with alzheimers?
  10. Hmmmmmm A two pronged peter. Interesting. What?
  11. So. Stuttering John was unavailable?
  12. I always wondered how the professor could build a nuclear reactor out of coconuts but he couldnt figure out how to patch a hole in the Minnow. Gilligans Island=Lost in Space
  13. I prefer white lycra on the cold and rainy days. Oh, you mean the Bills. Never mind.
  14. Whatever the reason he played like a blind leper and was pulled during the game.
  15. You are aware of course what m.r.e stands for? Meal, rejected by the enemy.
  16. I am and dont call me surely. I picked the wrong week to give up sniffing glue.
  17. My Dad was unable to go tp my games, and I remember for quite a while looking for him in the stands. I wouldnt be comfortable with myself missing my son's games games, especially since I can record the games on TV. I can watch the DVD's anytime, I cant say the same about his games.
  18. anyone? anyone? 2:30 Sunday afternoons.
  19. No, it's halter tops and bikini tops. I also remember the time a coed came bounding down the steps of the lecture hall in her bikini top. I dont remember much else about that lecture.
  20. I remember when I was going to Miami the big thing was to go braless. It's a shame it wasnt colder more often. There was one time however when a girl had on this mesh top and one of her perkies was sticking out through the mesh.
  21. Lots of purdy girls in Fla. : I did notice the one FSU chick that was only wearing what looked like a bra. I'll have to use the zoom function on the dvd...........before throw it out.
  22. Well, the offensive line looks like the Bills last year, and their offense apparantley is being called by Kill-drive. Wright is a Losman clone and the defense is OK. I just wish they had played a cupcake like all the other colleges this week-end.
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