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Everything posted by dib

  1. Need Visual Inspectors, too. 499240[/snapback] here's the price structure for inspections: small breasts-10 dollars medium breasts- 5 dollars large breasts- free
  2. We could open a concession stand across the street from 'Rich'. I of course would be the fitter.
  3. I never really understood the "3rd party" concept at a game. If you were invited I would be courteous and go 'neutral'.
  4. http://news.com.com/2061-11199_3-5942592.html
  5. so according to the caption after they had sex in the bathroom they fought?
  6. "I TOLD you- no more foriegn objects up my butt!"
  7. I really think that TO needs another superstar like himself There is no 'to' in 'team'.
  8. So he went from pumping gas to pumping her?
  9. Dolfelons figure they can garner a share of first place if they can beat the Patriots. also. Boston is done for the year, and the Frerotte/Rosenfells debate continues.
  10. Now I cant wait for the excuses "He was misunderstood, the kids at school made fun of him, it was a cry for help." And the A.P. is still dead.
  11. Bravo! Bravo! Author author. Now the bar can put a new sign up front. Liquor in the front, poker in the rear.
  12. It's a Canes thing. You wouldnt understand.
  13. While having sex? They didnt even let them finish?
  14. Any locals that can give status on current state of the Lauderdale beach areas? 495824[/snapback] The beaches are just starting to reopen. The Yankee clipper is a better choice for al the pre described reasons. Considering what the temperature in Buffalo will be in December I would think that the "50's or 60's" would be a Godsend (besides it's fun to watch the locals walk around in scarves and gloves and complain about wind chill") About half of the traffic lights have been repaired/replaced so by December all of them hopefully wil be in place and traffic flow improved. In any case- rent a car, you wont regret it.
  15. Its a shame you couldnt have come down and spent some time with me, we could have sat in the dark for a week and wonder if my roof was going to cave in. I'm lucky I still have some roof. Some of my neighbors dont. There are some homes in the area that just dont exist anymore. Kind of hard to get to home depot when there isnt a working traffic light in the county and there are trees and power poles laying across the road. Gee. I wish I was independent and resourceful as you.
  16. . All the while Tedy Bruschi is standing in the middle getting a nice blow job from the anouncers. I've never knew it was possible to give a 3 hour bj. You learn something new every day. 492316[/snapback] Sounds like I'm not sorry I missed it.
  17. Of the game? I just got power back (yeah hot showers). and I havent been able to get a re-cap. we finished tarping the roof- good thing too it's going to rain tomorrow. Dolphin fans are patting themselves on the back for their win over the Saints,
  18. You *. Next time you piss and moan about a snow storm think about this- we did prepare. We got ready. We are a family of four that is not asking for hand outs but for resources.
  19. It's been 4 days, and not a sniff of government help. The locals are out, out of evrything. Perhaps if we had WMD here in Davie we'd be better off now.
  20. They give you a number to call for tarps and what do you get? A number to call for tarps. No FEMA presence here at all, of course GW did fly down to glad hand and say "Gee it sure sucks to be you" We might not have electricity until Nov 22. Where is the professor to make us a nuclear generator out of 2 coconuts?
  21. So far no power since Monday, (145mph wind) I'm running on a generator now so I thought I'd fire off a quick note. Roof: Blue tarps now. Patio: Aloha Water- no boil as of today Gas: You must be joking. There area looked like it was carpet bombed..
  22. This is precisely why I didnt get the superfan package.
  23. While you're at it can I have the 6 winning numbers for the Florida lottery this week?
  24. The evacuation zones are on the west coast because of storm surge. Besides, no one goes to the Felon games anyway.
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