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Everything posted by dib

  1. Well actually I have to PAY to see the Bills games, and as far as the advertisers 'paying' to broadcast the game I assure you they're not being altruistic- they have a laarge captive audience to sell their product to. That's wha I think.
  2. Enjoy being young... Ah, another advantage of the internet-misconceptions. I am old enough to have watched the Bills in their 64 championship game.
  3. If I can get extra Bills/Dolphins tix, do you want me to let you know? I may be looking to take someone anyway, because the Bills fan with whom I usually go has to be out of town that weekend. 505937[/snapback] Sideline seats for.......gulp....80$. Keep me in mind for the tickets for the Bills game. I have to head out now, but I'll check back later
  4. I'll try 'Shooters' it was there once before.
  5. Who said they are ranked number 1? Not now. Not yet.
  6. What do you get if you play a country western song backwards? You get your girl back your truck back your dog back...................
  7. Does anyone know if Salvatores is having another Bills bash here in Lauderdale? The scum sentinel never mentions anything that's going on until after it happens.
  8. I'd like to meet you guys somewhere so I can tailgate with you. I dont go to the games anymore too many *.
  9. But what I really want to know is did Kelly really do Carmen Electra?
  10. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn. It certainly is lonely at the top.
  11. Oh dont worry the Patsies will all of a sudden be all healed up and frosty just in time for the Bills
  12. You mean............it's not..............real.........?
  13. I'd be happy if on a 4th and short the Bills at least tried a hard count.
  14. Ricky had 13 yards on 11 carries. Heath Evans ( the fullback released by the Dolphins) killed the Dolphins. How ironic. bwhahahahahahahaha
  15. . Ridiculous play calling, if indeed the sun made it tough to see the ball coming in. 502768[/snapback] As the erudite coach Saban explained. "It is what it is"
  16. Thats because Buffalo fans are pragmatic. The Fins also see a single player as their savior every year.
  17. Hurricanes. Miami Hurricanes. That's all you need to know.
  18. to paraphrase Winston Churchill: "If the Dolphins were at the gates of Hell I would root for the Devil"
  19. That they are 'only' two games out of first place. I am only one phone call away from dating the Playboy playmate of the month.
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