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Everything posted by dib

  1. Ok ok ok ok pick me I have a sign for the Felons game. "Hey McMichael is it easier to beat a linebacker- or your wife."
  2. I think it's disgusting and sexist. and, at 40$ what a bargain!
  3. Yes because I am freaking sick and tired of hearing about the '72 Dolphins.
  4. Does anyone have any experience sitting in a box? I sat in a box once. The cardboard sides were high and hurt my back
  5. You know what, it's probably quite accurate. The game noticed the Bills were leading and detected a fatal error and shut down.
  6. It used to be that no matter the score or the circumstances you knew, just knew the Bills would pull it out. Now, we get behind, and it's channel surfing.
  7. For a minute I thought I was reading the Sun Sentinel I dont think the Bills will win another game this year
  8. I thought last year was a re-building year.
  9. My son put it into perspective (as we were watching the game) "You mean he's getting paid for doing the same thing we're doing."
  10. You cant stiff arm when you're trying to find a non-existant hole to run through
  11. Yes, lets be positive. We're positively not going to the play-offs again. The Bills positively couldnt stop a good high school running game. We positively need a new GM.
  12. how does that song go? "I'm not as good as I once was......"
  13. Oh good, something else to look forwad to.
  14. My son wanted me to play in a Thanksgiving father son football game. So I said "sure". Had a great time. Then I woke up this morning and I felt like I had been beaten by Hell's angels. Not fair. When did THIS happen?
  15. I am thankful that Tropical Storm Gamma failed to pay me a visit. Cant wait to get to the breast. And the Turkey will be good too.
  16. They may no longer represent excitement but they do represent excrement.
  17. i wonder if the power of prayer would help the bills out of their current mess I think we're past prayer. I think we're entering the area of animal sacrifice.
  18. Hmmmm, I'm thinking winning out would do a lot for fan support
  19. about half way through the movie I was hoping the Martians would wax the screaming chick.
  20. Judging from the Bills performance no one has a package.
  21. He would say "It's not how many times you get knocked down, it's how many times you get up."
  22. It got to the point where I couldnt watch any more of the pounding. Losman running for his life, our db's giving a 10 yard cushion on 3rd and 5, and it goes on and on. I was never one for administrative controversy but the way this team has regressed maybe we could lure Bill Polian back.
  23. If I send the Bills the 10$ do you think they'd keep him? What?
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