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Everything posted by dib

  1. Why not, they still have room for another 20-30 coaches on their staff.
  2. I say we take him but only if we can get Maurice Clarett too.
  3. and besides- If I want your opinion I'LL BEAT IT OUT OF YOU!
  4. Does this mean we get to refer to the rest of the NFL as "the evil empire"?
  5. Ahem. It's a lectern. The podium is the foot of the lectern.
  6. John Guy, isnt he the one that hands out towels and cologne spritzes.....in... the.... Oh. When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us.
  7. Well hire me because I'm really good at Madden.
  8. Since the Bills season is over doesnt this become SUW? So in that vein- Did anyone see the special last night about the 100 sexiest celebrity bodies? Victoria Silverstedt. I think I hurt myself.
  9. Gavin, thanks for the laugh, from your reply to your Avatar to your quote. Bravo.
  10. I think a big problem with the Bills progress (or lack of) is a lack of consistancy. The Bills are on their 3rd coach since 2000 (and may be looking ata 4th), one of which is a Gator. Kay Stephenson was a Gator too. Need I say more? The number of coaches may be a problem as well too. For example- the Dolfelons have 23 coaches, the Bills make do with 15. maybe the assistants are spread a little too thin? I liken the Bills team to a class that has had a succession of substitute teachers. Why behave (perform) when the players know that they only have to outlast the substitute (coach).
  11. Do you want him to take HIS team with him?
  12. Mularkey's "the ball didn't bounce our way" drivel is pretty damned disappointing. 551897[/snapback] That's what you get from a guy that has 'touchy-feely' pre-season practices.
  13. Gee, imagine that. A professional athelete with an attiiude. Go figure.
  14. I hear next he's going to walk across Lake Ontario to Toronto.
  15. She looks like a refugee from a 1960's "beauty' pagent. I guess that's what passes for "beauty" in Ohio.
  16. the maid of the mist would never be the same
  17. I had two and unfortunately used them both, I wish I had saved one or bought more.
  18. Several fans had “No Goal" signs, in reference to Brett Hull's controversial, Stanley Cup-winning for the Stars against the Sabres in 1999 Sabres 4 Stars 3
  19. Why not just stay home? Ralphie doesnt get any parking fees, concession fees, souvenier fees. Nothing nada zip. Let the fans put as much effort in as the players are.
  20. They could have done so much more "I'll be back" just begs a 'terminator' theme.
  21. on second thought- Vikings, on a boat, having sex. Is this NFL news or the History Channel?
  22. The envy is so thick you can cut it with a knife.
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