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Everything posted by dib

  1. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/sfl-dol...la-sports-front and after seeing Jauron on TV last night, can someone please pour him a cup of coffee.
  2. So now that brings them up to 286 coaches on the staff.
  3. The Sentinnel is wetting itself over the acquisition of Mularkey, remarking what an innovator he is on offense. Sure 3rd and 1 on the three, lets throw an intercerption, er no I mean a pass. The dolfelons also want to add another d-coordinator which would bring their coaching staff up to like 267 coaches.
  4. Jauron may not be flashy, he has the brains and character that this team so desperately needs right now. 579193[/snapback] All well and good, someone tell me his w/l record with the Bears and the Lions.
  5. I had a really good joke for this but I erred on the side of caution.
  6. I especially like Samoans when the chocolate melts a little under the marshmallow. What?
  7. pothoes are these ho's that use drugs?
  8. Kind of like Simon says but different. In essence he's saying that he really doesnt know that much about TO except that he's a good football player. In other words BSBSBSBSBSBS. Chambers and McMichaels have both come out and said that they dont want him in their locker room. Of course they welcomed Ricky back with open arms after he took a giant squat on the team. Maybe TO in Miami would be a good thing. For everyone else in the AFC East.
  9. It's a moot (what Scottish cows say) point. He's gone
  10. I agree with you on Art Shell. The guy had a very good record, Except for that one AFC championship game.................
  11. Chambers already stated on WQAM (pseudo sports radio) that he considers TO a cancer that has already "Wrecked two locker rooms."
  12. How, I ask you how, do the Sabres score 10 goals and then no one, not ESPN not Sports center, NO ONE shows a freakin' highlight!
  13. Don't feel bad, the other day I drove into Dade county and I had to produce a passport.
  14. How ironic. It's you're not 'your'. Pot, meet the kettle.
  15. are you out of your g-damn mind? He's a locker room cancer- even the Dolfelons dont want him
  16. Scum Sentinnel ssays that Mularkey quit because of "family matters". Roll up your pant legs boys it's getting deep in here.
  17. Ralph: About the team's future........oh look a puppy.
  18. (In your best scarface voice) Say hello to my little 2-14 seasons. The team is in disarray from the top down. Maybe new ownership IS needed. Unfortunately the new owner will probably relocate.
  19. Ah, nothing quite like 20-20 hindsight.
  20. It wasn't "Bills on the Move" was it?
  21. I think Norv Turner would be the best candidate. Norv "I got fired from the Raiders' Turner?
  22. That's it? That's the best he could come up with??
  23. 4. I miss BIlls football 560822[/snapback] I've missed bills football for about 6 years now.
  24. I hear he can be a little crusty.
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