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Everything posted by dib

  1. Why not, the Bills seem to be going over the Falls in a Barrel
  2. Yesterday, I could not spell: 'student' Now, I are one.
  3. Thurman steaks claim to Hall (Buff. News Headline) A lack of literate writers.
  4. I cant get past the tank ambush because the grenadier is a statue also, cannot play any of the 'quick' scenarios
  5. OK fine. Send me to the site where you got your avatar.
  6. I've gone through all 3 socom's and they are far superior.
  7. A red flag should have gone up when it was on sale for 19$, but in any case- is it me or is the game screwed? Cant play a quick scenario, and the grenadier I'm supposed to escort sits big dumb deaf and blind until he is killed. Help me Obi Wan Kenobi
  8. given our inability to stop the run a 5-2 might be in order.
  9. You might also want to take a minute and review the rosters, that team was absolutely loaded with talent. Yes, I know that players were out. Depth and desire comes into play now (that and the fact that the refs didnt see Beebe step out of bounds, among other things).
  10. He's a wealthy,minority star athelete. He'll skate. Wait, I've heard this somewhere before.
  11. Wasnt there and afternoon show that featured some guy dressed like some kind of Bwana? (I think the show was called Bwana Jim)
  12. Well, the Bills can always hope for the #1 draft pick.
  13. I for one vote for cheerleader uni's like the one in your avatar
  14. Quality as well as quantity would be nice. I'm tired of musical coaches and re-treads. Let's stop re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic and hire someone that would inspire confidence in the players and the fans.
  15. read the articles on the home page
  16. Buffalo is unable or unwilling to hire top notch coaches because of a lack of money. The Dolfelons on the other hand have something like 147 coaches. So, even if you dont have top flight athelete, you have a bevy of coaches to mold them and prepare them. In Buffalo, it must be like: "Here's a ball- go throw it."
  17. San Francisco is always such a pioneer in matters like this... 583437[/snapback] I wonder if San Francisco will adopt Key West as their sister city.
  18. My grandfather was an old Indian fighter. My Grandmother was an old Indian. Thank You I vill be here all da veek.
  19. Isn't "frustrated Bills fan" redundant?
  20. koom bye yah my lord koom bye yah koom bye yah my lord koom bye yah. (sorry for the phoenetic spelling) All we are saying, is give peace a chance. I'd like to buy the world a coke and teach it harmony.....
  21. Is Eric Winston at the practices? LT Miami Hurricanes.
  22. part of the "package" Given Mularkeys pre season practices and his play calling, I always wondered if he had a 'package'.
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