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Everything posted by dib

  1. People post about noodles? Holy defecation Batman!
  2. like Groucho Marx said: "I like my cigar too, but I take it out every once and a while."
  3. Gun tight in the Ailamentary canal For a fistfull he hollers.
  4. Maybe "homo on the ranger" instead. Rooster Cockburn
  5. I would then cut Shane Matthews and bring in Jay Fiedler to compete also. Fiedler is too injury prone. even the Jets cut him.
  6. dont know, another random find.
  7. All God's creatures have their place, right next to the Potatoes and corn.
  8. looks like she mated with a gorilla in '79
  9. Well not exactly the naked weather portion of the naked news.
  10. here she is in all her glory http://www.defense-update.com/products/t/tor.htm
  11. If you're upset about the su-25 then you really wont like the Tor M1 9m330 air defense system that the Iranians are getting. It sounds a lot like the a Patriot system- but mobile.
  12. I don't know what BF is. Think "Brokeback Mountain"
  13. Seau and Frerotte mat be gone and the Felons are getting a woody over the prospect of getting Brees. Seau's loss is no big deal because he's about 100 years old and prone to injury. Frerotte, well he was a stop gap measure at best.
  14. we're talking people that strap nail bombs to their bodies. Just what parameters do they need if they think they drop a nuke on americans? hell if they can duct tape the thing to the fuselage then it's "weee off we go"
  15. I wonder if they have any of the Tomcats left that we sold the Shaw? They're probably all scrap or hangar queens by now.
  16. I'd be more worried about the 9 billion US stinger missiles that are loose in Afghanistan after we helped the Mujahadeen kick out the invaders. Wait, this all has a familiar ring to it.
  17. So which spoiled-little-byatch-that-never-had -to -work- a - day-in-her -life-but-can-go-sailing-girl is she?
  18. He had 4 chances to get his sh-- together. How many would you get?
  19. "All pro" is that you or the avatar?
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