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Everything posted by dib

  1. Miami had a h@rd on for Brees for most of the week, now, after taking Culpepper the paper is full of articles about how worried saban was about Brees's rotator cuff. I guess he wasnt worried when the two met face to face. Frerrote is gone and Rosenfels signed with the Texans. This leaves a gimpy ineffective Culpepper (who may not be available for theopener) and Feely.
  2. Why does she have that 'deer in the headlights' look
  3. excellent shot- makes me homesick for snow games.
  4. your to picky. Leaf them to there posts.
  5. Looks like I'm buying games from Directv
  6. I'm out here in the freakin hockey wilderness, where apparantley the only teams that play in the NHL are the Panthers....... How the hell did the Sqabres slip to 3rd?
  7. THe nice thing is, if you rub your meal you get a bigger portion.
  8. He, Adolph, and Uncle Joe are all roasting their nuts.
  9. I only have two things to say. Major League.
  10. . Sorry to hear you couldn't watch the game. 623694[/snapback] no biggee, but I'm going to make sure that by hook or by crook I see play-offs.
  11. I agree. Everyone knew who the bad guys were.
  12. I thought the same thing, he wont be able to arm tackle and drag NFL players down. He 'catches' more than he hits.
  13. The righteous one. 623368[/snapback] Май замена прямой только в выражениях
  14. I was sitting in the Fulda Gap in winter 1977. On whose side?
  15. That wasn't snow it was cocaine.
  16. I guess this guy was from the shallow end of the gene pool.
  17. friggin stupid miserable firewall
  18. [Your argument is fallacious. 622897[/snapback] Isnt that what Deep Throat was about? What?
  19. yep, the press down here has a h@rd on for him I say: go for it.
  20. Bastages. All week I'm looking forward to the game on dish. I check the channel ahead of time- yep there it is. Then. Doom. "Program not available in your area". So how does center Ice effect reception in a town 1400 miles away?
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