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Everything posted by dib

  1. I'm a lower body double for Ron Jeremy.
  2. I was joking, but the brain is a muscle... Please tell me you're using an analogy
  3. , as I make the V sign with my left hand. 633201[/snapback] Just make sure and use both fingers
  4. The media keep comparing his injury to McGahee's. Again, I believe it's wishful thinking.
  5. There's lots of discussion as to whether this will actually work. The arena is publicly funded. The street is also public property. There are always police there to direct traffic (both car and foot). My belief is that they can't do this. They might be able to add a $5 entry fee to the ticket and then get a rebate from those with parking. But won't that lead to hitchiking up the road? It's a hot topic here. Personally I dont understand why parking has to be 20$ (OK I do but I think it's ludicrous). Whats more, Sawgrass Mills mall said they really dont mind people parking intheir lot, across from the Arena. And, charging starting July 1st? Very Little will be going on unlike hockey season. I say drop parking prices and make it up in volume. Hmm, I guess they could always install pay toilets to make up the difference.
  6. Kill them a little, bring them back to health, kill them a little, repeat.
  7. Give her an Indian name: Princess Notachance.
  8. Maybe there's less gravity there? What?
  9. You'd have to be nuts. http://news.rgj.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?...351/1010/NEWS07
  10. All the sports stations here in Habana Norte have been trumpeting the signing of Dante. Almost to the point of absurdity. It seems as if the Dolphins are trying convince themselves and their fans that this was a wise thing, they are even comparing Culpepper to Dan Marino. Somehow I get the feeling they are praying this works out.
  11. I'm kind of curious myself, you have 'peaked' (Iknow I know) my interest.
  12. I knew there was a reason I felt like having a Caesar salad.
  13. I wouldnt mind if they made a movie out of the TV series"Combat"
  14. A number of years ago, I decided to buy an 'American' car- so I bought a chevy monza. One day while working on the car I noticed a metal plate on the chassis that read, and I quote "Product du Canada". I doubt there is any such thing as an "American made car"
  15. if life gives you lemons.........
  16. Damn! that's right I completely forgot about that!
  17. I broke the jinx- i watched a game that they WON.
  18. I think I saw a twilight zone episode like that once: 'To serve man'
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