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Everything posted by dib

  1. OJ Simpson wore #12 http://cgi.ebay.com/American-Football-Buff...1QQcmdZViewItem think I should buy it?
  2. Dante Culpepper apparently turned down a 'wonder-lick' on the love boat
  3. There's plenty of good radio here, if you like mariachi music! Have they started broadcasting TV commercials in Spanish yet? We have that here in Habana Norte.
  4. He's obviously relying on his 1.6 average from high school to be erudite in his repsonses.
  5. and he's........http://hurricanesports.collegesports.com/sports/m-footbl/mtt/jennings_kelly00.html
  6. Dante denies that he had a lap dance on the 'love boat'. He claims he was playing dice and wasnt interested. Puh-lease. A naked good looking woman offers you her taa-taas and your going to become all sanctimonious all of a sudden. I guess he didnt want to shell out 4 mill for a ring to his wife like a certain other athelete that plays basketball who shall remain un-named. How odd. A Dolphin in court.
  7. I cant find WGR55 on line and I dont remember any of the call signs up in the nickle city. Anybody have a line on on-line stations?
  8. I'm thinking land mines, but then again, that would damage the lawn, on the other hand it would keep people off.
  9. Like you wouldnt go into launch sequence if she took the twins for a walk.
  10. http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-ouch17.html
  11. Thats what I had to ask all my old girlfriends
  12. there's an even better one called common sense
  13. Maybe I'll slip that article in my neighbor's mail box
  14. Speaking of pets- If anyone is interested in Maine Coon cats and doesnt have the dinero I can put you in touch with Maine Coon Rescue. I recently adopted a Coonie and he's huge and gorgeous. Cats range from kitten to adult.
  15. I thought you already posted a picture of yourself.
  16. outdoor life network. Uusally they show hunting/fishing/marry your sister shows.
  17. I'll trade you a blizzard for a hurricane.
  18. 1 freakin point down! (If it wasnt for a little tiny box score in an obscure section of the Sentinnel I wouldnt know this)
  19. Nice try but you know damned well he's not dead. Who do you think Ricky Williams was hanging with in India? word has it that Jim, Elvis and Ricky are going to start a trio.
  20. The Doors were never the same after he died. What?
  21. Dante has been battling depression over two tragedies that occurred this past year I know whenever I battle depression I turn immediatly to crack cocaine.
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