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Everything posted by dib

  1. but to say WE are causing warming is laughable. Hmm, then I wonder where all the CO2 ( a greenhouse gas) is coming from?
  2. blame sea mammals like sharks. ahem, sharks are fish. Not mammals.
  3. I just went to the Bills pro shop. 270$ for a customized authentic throwback jersey.
  4. Thats because I rarely cut the cheese once.
  5. Sounds like you'll be doing a lot of cooking and laundry. The good news is- she'll probably need help in the shower.
  6. . I don't know where my flatus is, but it sounds painful. It's not a where it's a what. A flatus, to put it bluntly, is a fart. i.e. Flatulence, breaking wind, cutting the cheese, barking spider, cutting the cheese.
  7. I'd love to but I'm fire walled here.
  8. I wonder how they got the tires to roll up hill. It just didnt seem like enough momentum imparted to the tire at the bottom.
  9. All mammals produce methane as a gaseous by-product of digestion. You can do your part by lighting your flatus and combusting the methane.
  10. what are you talking about- she has a shirt on?
  11. Is the doubleheader thing for the whole season, or just for the opening weekend? Man those guys are going to be realy tired after playing two games in a row. What?
  12. What's equally amusing is the push for a stadium, 90% of the time there are about 9 people at a Marlins game, yet the Marlins keep pushing for a baseball only stadium. Now with the little league team they're fielding they'll have to shanghai people and duct tape them in to the seats.
  13. Have the Dolphins expressed interest in him yet?
  14. Down here in Habana Norte, if it isnt the Panthers there is no hockey. So, can you give me a lowdown on who's hurt, how badly and if anyone knows for how long?
  15. go here. Click 'spring break' may not be SFW http://www.thefloridakeys.com/
  16. what can she do with that finger ? I think a better question is WHO can she do with that finger?
  17. Wait , let me reason this out. Slick Willy, a married man and the 'head' (no pun intended) of the most powerful nation on the planet is getting a blowjob in the Oval office. Yeah, I guess you're right. No bigee (Again no pun intended)
  18. If getting a hummer is ok for the President of the United States, in his work place no less, then I would think a NFL QB getting one while on a boat, during the off season, shouldn't be that big a deal. an NFL QB. Anyway, that's the sad thing. No one thinks that either incident is a 'big deal'.
  19. If you listen to the radio stations here he's the second coming of Dan Marino (I dont know about that you'd have to ask his wife, he was after all noted for his 'quick release).
  20. I'm sure your wife doesnt mind having strippers rub all over you. What a lucky guy.
  21. Do you honestly think Donovan McNabb is afraid of his wife finding out he got a lap dance? And you correlate a stripper's lap dance with Kobe raping some chick in a hotel room? No I dont think DM is afraid of his wife. I think he's afraid how much it will cost him financially. I think it's the NFL putting a spin on a high profile player. We cant have the latest incarnation of Dan Marino being involved with illicit sex acts now can we. We have to sell jerseys. And YOU are the one corellating. I never mentioned a name, and you assume that he raped the 'chick'. What did the courts say? Why do you think the incident was smoothed over? Can you say "HIGH PRICED ATHELETE?" There's your correllation monkey nuts. It's like Animal Farm. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" You try getting away with what these guys do.
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