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Everything posted by dib

  1. i don't need a plane i can WALK to Spain in about 1 hour from my house! How ironic. I can jump in my car, drive south, and in half an hour be in Cuba.
  2. OK how 'bout this one. The newest French Tank has 5 gears. 1 forward and 5 in reverse. If the story persists.........................
  3. There is a sale of french rifles going on. Never fired and only dropped once.
  4. You do this after a beer crawl and you get arrested for indecent exposure, etc. Do it in the name of art..... Hey wait a minute- I believe humans were created by explosive diarhea.
  5. If his eyes were any further apart he would have to turn his head to see what's behind him.
  6. Where are the Hansen brothers when you need them?
  7. Please god make everything work. He'd pay more attention if you capitalized his name.
  8. or narute calls it "I'm pissed at what you're doing to the environment."
  9. (2) Whatever you do, don't look over the curtain that is being held up around your wife's body. Stay by her head, hold her hand, wait for the baby to come out, and then do whatever is necessary to not look over that curtain. If you ever want to have the desire to have sex with your wife, or any woman, ever again...please heed this advice. I agree, I was at the c-section birth of both of my children. All I can say is-"People soup". Not a pretty picture. Best of luck now, and good luck in 18 years.
  10. That's what she...... No, no, I can't.
  11. When they mentioned 'large penetrators' I thought they were talking about me.
  12. It's so cute when newbies cry righteous indignation. I've been a Bills fan since before you were a twitch in your daddy's pants. I, and others have earned the right to p!ss and moan. So, bite me.
  13. http://www.gossipnews.it/mondanita/downtow...a_Ferrera_4.jpg 646705[/snapback] Nice build and the chick in black can look in two directions at once.
  14. It cant be, I saw it was round when the aliens took me to their mothership. It's OK now, I have a foil cap.
  15. http://www.wsvn.com/newsteam/index.html?id=DBM634 unfortunately the photo does not do her justice because she is extremely qualified to talk about 'fronts'
  16. Please don't connect WW2 with Hogans heroes.
  17. We've struck upon something here. eat all the cows and take beano. problem solved.
  18. . Trees do not have DNA to save. Trees have DNA just like cockroaches and cabbages.
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