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Everything posted by dib

  1. What's the difference between a Christian inflatable doll and a muslim inflatable doll? The Muslim dolls blow themselves up.
  2. Two friends area talking- "I think my wife died." "What makes you say that?" "Well, the sex is the same but the dishes area piling up."
  3. You probably have debris clogging the spray arm. Do you clean the spooge off plates and stuff before you put them in the washer?
  4. didn't he like other ethnic groups? What?
  5. Oh yeah they were great. The mentioned Forsberg 35 times in the first period and refered to "Craig Drury and Jay McKay" Nice job boys.
  6. what about my.......oh never mind. G. Damn flyers.
  7. is on OLN? Crap, I'd rather listen to Forrest Gump do the game.
  8. I had maintained the sabres had to win at least one in Flyspeckelphia. Tonight is the one.
  9. But, couldn't they see this one coming? Umberger didn't.
  10. But if they're staying away from the wall how can they........................... Oh, never mind. G. Damn Flyers
  11. I hope we get the feed with JE-JE-JE-Je-nerrette as the play by play announcer.
  12. The Argos have contacted Maharaji Ricky Williams aboot playing in Toronto. Good day eh?
  13. With those colors there's not much you can do
  14. Now a day later, they got a win and they get a little bravado under their fat butts! What I was really refering to was the way he was acting this morning as he was being interviewed, he kept insisting that the Sabres fans were cheering Umbergers injury and that the jumbotron played it repeatedly. He also kept insisting that it wasnt Buffalo's speed that allowed them to do so well but the number of penalties that Philly took (well duh maybe one caused the other). In essence he was an *
  15. Down here in Habana Norte when the Gators won their basketball championship, all of a sudden you see lots and lots of BRAND NEW Florida paraphenalia. The same with the Dolfelons, no one admits to being a fan unless the Felons win, then it's "We" and "Our team".
  16. I just started Theo. Rex myself. It's written in a fairley entertaining style. I'm relatively early into it though.
  17. I believe he was the radio play by play announcer for the Flyspecks.
  18. on the WGR streaming site. He sounds like a real putz.
  19. phillysucks.com. enjoy.
  20. Like Mark Twain said: " Never fight with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig enjoys it."
  21. This joke is so old that it farts dust.
  22. Zulu, 24th foot bracing for another zulu attack begin singing "Men of Harloch" 300 Spartans, Persian Emissary to Leonidas "Lay down your arms' Leonidas reply "Come and take them" Summer rental sunburned John Candy: "Oh mommy make it go away" Robin Hood (Errol Flynn) "Welcome to Sherwood" 13th Warrior final defence of the village "For all I have forgotten to do..." man. I could go on.
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