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Everything posted by dib

  1. all this concern over laundary. What's next? What evening bag goes best with the jersey?
  2. an intrasquad game that ended up 65-53? So how many baskets were three pointers? Nice logo, reminds me of that malt beverage logo......
  3. I use a power sprayer and a scrub brush.
  4. Home depot always did provide a lot of good wood.
  5. Up the Revolution! Down with the Redcoats! Thank you for that script, I have a facsimile but it's darned hard to read. The deeper you delve into the history of the Revolution it's amazing what a miraculous thing that the Patriots achieved. It's also a little scarey thinking how close we came to losing.
  6. it's like the old joke- we're not questioning whether or not youre a whore we're just haggling over the price.
  7. And as for Jay McKee, clearly it was about the money. it's always about the money. we root for the laundry now. mercenaries.
  8. all of a sudden a whole lot of newly purchased Heat merchandise is showing up around town
  9. I saw it yesterday and laughed out loud for the first time in a long time.
  10. It's probably the only head she ever gave him.
  11. I hope he's enjoying those 20 Virginians. (kudos to Robin Williams)
  12. I am ashamed that I was not near a computer yesterday to start this thread. Thank you boys, and thank you board for remembering.
  13. It's simple really. BOHICA Bend Over Here It Comes Again.
  14. If you have streaming video- watch this. http://wkbw.com/Story.aspx?type=ln&NStoryID=12302
  15. Did you see the name on the boat? It was..............................................the Minnow!
  16. You'd have to roll her in flour and look for the wet spot.
  17. Lucky you. I got to listen to the stock drivel of the oln supplied announcers.
  18. Aircraft fly over my house on their landing approach , so I painted "Lets Go Buffalo" on the flat patio roof. The patio is 30 feet long so the letters were fairly large.
  19. It's ok to stay in the left lane but only if you leave your left directional on.
  20. Geez, they're Rod's Hurricanes? No wonder the announcers cater to him so much.
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