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Everything posted by dib

  1. I wonder, growing up, how many times they stole his lunch money.
  2. OK so I watched some of the Dolfelon game and quite frankly I'm not impressed . The Dolfelon O line was a sieve, Culpepper over threw and underthrew. "Big Cat" or whatever the hell his nickname is, is a wad and has no lateral movement at all. This guy makes Ted and Sam seem like sprinters. It looks like if you dont get it quickly to McMichael it's not going to happen, and personally I think the only reason McMichael was open often was because someone in the coverage was clueless.
  3. I think we need to search Uranus for evidence. Sometimes after I sit on the toilet too long I get rings around my anus.
  4. But how will the know if the races are pure? I mean we have to strive for racial purity! Wait a minute, I've heard this somewhere else before............
  5. Why is there a picture of a scared little girl in a bikini?
  6. 2 bathrooms. Hmmmmmm, I'm surprised it HAS bathrooms.
  7. I'm going to start hanging out in cold weather airports.
  8. Thats easy. We'll apologize and spend billions rebuilding their stoneage mud hut sh*thole villages into ultra modern cities and towns.
  9. I'preciate it 748775[/snapback] OK, you're in a white collar world now. Repeat after me- "I appreciate it."
  10. Why not, she's already had a sausage in her can. What?
  11. How cool, snakes on a plane. I dont think I've ever seen a movie before about humans trapped in a vehicle, hunted by creatures. Freakin brilliant! What?
  12. know that the NFL channel will show the game on tape delay, however I will be on the way to drop my daughter off at school. Will there be any streaming video, or radio tonight? I dont have any of the sat. radios, and dont really want to watch a taped- delayed game, because no matter how hard you try somehow the score always sneaks put.
  13. I was hoping someone would notice, both the entendre and the avatar
  14. Do any of you guys think that willis waisted his time losing almost 20lbs 'waisted'........ 20lbs..... I get it. bwahahahahahaha
  15. Well, he's going up for the physical anyway. I guess after his retirement he's perky again.
  16. WTF is the matter with guys like this? Same with athletes or whatever that are dripping with excess cash. Because life is like a poop sandwhich. The more bread you have- the less poop you have to eat.
  17. I do not think that means what you think that means.
  18. They should "accidentally" nail his testicles to a chair and then set fire to the chair.
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