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Everything posted by dib

  1. I was also thinking that it doesnt cost the manufacturer 200+$ to make a throwback jersey
  2. I once counted 23 minutes of commercials in a quarter and a half. So much for shortening the game.
  3. Bite me. 92 degrees 90% humidity Thunderstorms.
  4. Fans of Argentina's favourite soccer team can buy graves in part of cemetery reserved for them. It's just past the plot for Toronto Maple Leafs' Stanley Cup hopes, then go wide right after the Buffalo Bills' plot
  5. actually I dont mind being restrained as long as you have a code word. What?
  6. That's what scares me.. They are the media darlings, and the superbowl is in Miami. I'm always afraid of a sympathy f*ck by the refs to get Miami back on track.
  7. Your avatars give me reason to go Glad to be of service. Keep those cards and letters coming.
  8. Does she have sisters named Home and Ug?
  9. I always wondered if it was easier for McMichael to beat a defender or to beat his wife.
  10. I broke a nail off (and said in a sing song voice) and I know where it is.
  11. Miami's offensive line had more penetration than a Jenna Jameson porn.
  12. Virgin Atlantic has a starship? Holy Buckets!
  13. Sammy Morris will get 100 yards tonight. Oh wait, he's another in a long line of Miami Drugfelons so the only yards he'll be getting will be from the seat of his John Deere lawnmower
  14. but OJ needs the money to continue his search for the killer?
  15. because it's harder than fake orgasms next to the radio? What?
  16. So who wouldnt want to see it (them) again?
  17. Last I heard Cowherds boys and the Felons were pick'um.
  18. According to the news this morning she "blew" a .8 on the breathalyzer. How ironic.
  19. OK. a la Major League I put up a full size standee of Jenna Jameson. Each win removes a piece of clothing, eventually revealing all of her glory.
  20. It's like the undertaker that asked his wife to take a cold shower and lay real still. What?
  21. Sorry, the only pictures I have are in my mind. My wife sometimes asks me what that wistful smile is. did I mention I met my wife at U.M.?
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