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Everything posted by dib

  1. A number of years ago the Dolfelon fans had shirts that said 'Buffalo Sucks'. Vendors would sell these shirts outside of the stadium. Well, one Sunday, I went to the game with a bus full of Fort Lauderdale police that happened to be Bills fans. We told the bus driver to pull over by the vendor. The vendor came over thinking he was about to make a fortune. When he got a load of a bus full of large scowling Bills fans, I think he filled his pants and then he beat a hasty retreat.
  2. No problem, I have a spare room and we're right around the corner from the Quarterdeck. Great food, cold beer.
  3. Is Salvatores having another party?
  4. http://www.local10.com/wxmap/1522030/detail.html
  5. Probably, he's a great kid. always upbeat. He's an inspiration to the JV and Varsity
  6. You're going to think I'm making this up. We have one. He rips around the field in a motorized cart.
  7. All you need is a couple lovable losers, a fat kid, and one or two "foreign" kids that don't speak a word of english and you've got a great movie. 772468[/snapback] You forget- I live in South Florida. Kids that dont speak English are a dime a dozen
  8. Culpepper drops back looks for recievers downfield short pass hits the ground
  9. Did the other coach cry? He was an * He was walking through my son's warm up and spitting on the ground. I was hoping someone would pop him. My wife told me to stay where i was. Last year this team beat the snot out of our team, so they hung a large banner with last years score at the entrance of the stadium. Our team returned it to them in pieces. bwahahahahaha
  10. Last night my son's J.V. football team took on a squad that hadn't lost in 5 years. They beat them 13-7. I'm exhausted.
  11. My high school teachers looked like the 'apple people' craffters make.
  12. So much for being good to go. Is it the same injury?
  13. . But she is definently not right in the head! As long as she's right with the head.
  14. (BTW - nice avatar, as always.) Thank you. I do all my own stunts.
  15. I dont mind over or under. I even like next to. What?
  16. Well at least she didnt boink her son as a reward. The friends, well, maybe.
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