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Everything posted by dib

  1. hey wait a minute. 5 of them 2 guards 2 tackles 1 center You think maybe??????
  2. singe Willis' why would I want to do that?
  3. Besides the fact thatI'm tired of having defeat snatched from the jaws of victory. The youngest coach in the league makes better second half adjustments than the Bills staff.
  4. No biggee, he'll get his job back, his fat salary back, and when this is all blown over the fans will welcome him back with open arms. You try this at your job.
  5. Makes me wonder what was said about him not lifting weights in the off season and just running the tread mill. Lifting weights does not increase endurance.
  6. . And what makes this day worse is that the fish squeaked out a victory today against the 0-3 Titans. Damn. What makes it really bad is that besides the Fish playing the Texans next week, today's paper makes it look like the Felons won the superbowl.
  7. I guess that's why they call FSU cheerleaders "cow" girls.
  8. The picture doesnt do her or her body justice.
  9. I tossed a couple of photos up there. Here is my gallery. 782877[/snapback] Flowers? Buildings? Where are the hooters? The yabos, the taa taa's?
  10. Then I guess you're dating your avatar
  11. Come to think of it so do I,but I do so enjoy it when Loresca talks about 'fronts'
  12. Wednesday night my Son's team played a team with similar uniforms. The difference was they has yellow jerseys and yellow pants. They looked like a bunch of bananas. My son's team won 26-0
  13. under 18 protected by law over 50 protected by nature anything in between is fair game.
  14. wait, let me see if I can find a picture of a weather-guy for you.
  15. "proposterous punts" I guess thats better than a conposterous punt.
  16. http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/livin...le/15513482.htm
  17. I'm gay for eating it? all depends on what "it" is
  18. the hat looks good on you but you should really get out in the sun more.
  19. My son plays hooky. He's a defenseman. What?
  20. Lets start a song list for the Jets I'll start- The Party's over.
  21. Thanks, now I have to gouge my eyes out. I think she qualifies as a planet.
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