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Everything posted by dib

  1. The wisdom of George "Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes he eats you."
  2. I guess they wanted to show off their mini tonkas
  3. Explain to me this color coding please. Gold? Bronze? chartreuse? Are these packages of games?
  4. It's the Canadiens eh, not like it's a real hockey team.
  5. Also. Grossman had one amazin game and then 3 average games. 796314[/snapback] He's an ex-gay-tor. another reason not to like the Bears.
  6. You dont suppose being slow, dimwitted and throwing wormburners has anything to do with it.
  7. It seems that D.C. has a painful shoulder so Joey Harrington took all the snaps with the first team yesterday. Translation: "Holy sh** Culpepper sucks, how are we going to start Harrington without admitting we screwed the pooch!"
  8. OK first of all you have to realize that it's the scum sentinel and their philosophy is that there area no sports save Miami sports. Secondly Skolnick is a pencil neck hack writer with no practical sports experience. Third, the Dolfelon fans are grasping at straws now and most of the radio programs are terrified of this upcoming Patriot game.
  9. FYI, they were taking potshots at the logo on the jumbotron at the arena. At one point in the 3rd, they posted a "factoid" that despite reports to the contrary, the new Sabres logo is not a banana slug. 795880[/snapback] OK, when they're in our house we post "despite reports to the contrary the Hurricane logo is not a flushing toilet"
  10. Thats because Talley was the last thing Marino saw before he got planted.
  11. So, who has the father really punished in this scenerio? well, for starters there is one less pedophile in the world.
  12. But, were they touching themselves?
  13. Early in the game did the announcer actually suggest that the Hurricanes were doing poorly because they stood on the ice too long during the cup ceremony?
  14. How can you not like Spiderman?
  15. Ignoring the double entendre- Way cool- thanks.
  16. ah. I'll have to do that later from home.
  17. Great site. I registered but I cant reply in the Harbor club. BTW- I want to use Jeanerettes call "They're good, they're scarey good" as a ring tone but I have to find it in mpeg format. Any help? Anyone? Anyone?
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