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Everything posted by dib

  1. So, is this.............................a date?
  2. http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2006470495,00.html
  3. Last night my son's J.V. team took on an undefeated team, and at the half were down 22-7. The won 36-22. I'm exhausted.
  4. That's going to be tough......not having a Woody for the rest of the year.
  5. pre or post boob job markie. What a ridiculous question!
  6. Of which recent picture do you speak?
  7. I wonder what her husband, Mr. Streisand thought about all of this?
  8. Ok, you win. You're the better person, you exist on a higher moral plane I'm going to burn in hell while you look down upon me from on high. There. Feel better? Vindicated? Hate. What an *
  9. Still, nearly 200$ 'merican for a custom jersey. Somehow I dont think there's 200$ in parts and labor there.
  10. 1. You know nothing about my ethnicity yet you claim I am playing a race card 2. History will bear me out in this aspect of sports. 3. You have kept track of issues so well that you can accuse me of "always being the first"
  11. When you make observations like that ,it's obvious why your avatar has it's finger up it's nose.
  12. Harrington starts again against the Jets. Supposedly there was a blow up between Culpepper and Saban on the field. Saban, of course, denies the report. And so begins the implosion. I wonder how long before somebody turns it into a black/white thing.
  13. Is there a more clear way to send a message to your newborn son that you don't care about him at all? 799803[/snapback] Dont marry the mother?
  14. So, the next kid will be ESPN2?
  15. A DT doesnt have that much to absorb. Ball move Mongo move Mongo hunt down and earhole ball carrier. Mongo go back to huddle.
  16. it's a pet peeve. you're not your.
  17. It's not easy,some of the hazards at Putt Putt are really difficult
  18. Yesterday, I could not spell: "student". Today, I are one.
  19. I believe how a team looks is an important factor in how a team plays. It has to do with pride and self-respect. Then the Sabres should be 0-3 in their banana slug sweaters
  20. I'm tired of the cushions the secondary gives, and oh btw, Nate, pick up your jock it's laying on the field after you were faked out of it.
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