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Everything posted by dib

  1. What are his numbers for RFYL? Run for your life
  2. I cant stand those guys, it will be a Forsberg @ss kissing fest all night.
  3. doesnt matter neither can gandy
  4. and if my aunt had testicles. well...... you know the rest.
  5. Gandy couldnt block me. At Guard, tackle or center. Maybe at the buffet line, but even that is in question.
  6. could be worse.............could be Barbara Streisand
  7. 1. Miami U. is in Ohio 2. It's a private University. double dumb@ss
  8. I had my fingers crossed. It makes sense to put this game on.
  9. Oh, OK I feel better now.
  10. We suck. Coverage blows O Line cant block Play selection is reminiscent of Killdrive The away unis are ugly Tackling is just a suggestion
  11. Besides all the other crap the officials let go yesterday, if I recall correctly, holding in the end zone is considered a safety. Yet, when the Lions right tackle held Denny, I believe there was no call.
  12. RUN THE BALL, THEN RUN IT AGAIN, AND AGAIN....... 806102[/snapback] Nah, that would never work. Look at Detroit. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey wait a minute..........
  13. A certain dish company lists "Hockey" on VS Tuesday night. I can't find out who's playing and I hope it's the Sabres. Anyone have the inside scoop? I know about Center Ice but time and monetary constraints place it a little out of reach, so, I have to play the beggar.
  14. Gandy is such a swinging door he should have "push" stenciled on his jersey. He couldnt block me.
  15. Mike Gandy couldnt block me. If you know Williams is the only Lion go to guy why not double him? 3rd and 2- Dont throw 35 yards downfield. Our secondary plays like Helen Keller on ice skates. Gandy still couldn't block me. Gee I guess we miss Adams and Williams a bit. Light and fast loses to massive and heavy every day I lost track of how many times I said "We suck" on Sunday. Thank You, I'm done. Who's that behind me- Oh it's Gandy
  16. Does this mean that instead of SabreTooth some guy in a slug uniform is going to be the new mascot and leave a slime trail around the 'aud'.
  17. Cheektowaga Central is closed. In my 4 years there it was closed ONE freakin time. Now, it's a typical event. Sissies.
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