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Everything posted by dib

  1. Boxcutters don't emit radiation. What they can do with radiation sensors is pretty damned amazing. 809972[/snapback] What they can do with EZ pass is amazing too. Except not everyone has EZ pass on all parts of their interstate
  2. is this any help? http://www.nhl.com/frozen/index.html
  3. We have the abilities to detect and track significant "sources".. 809931[/snapback] What do you consider 'significant'? We couldn't track guys with boxcutters.
  4. I just figured that with it being in the news here, and it effecting 7 stadiums, everyone would be fmiliar with the story. Security isn't allowing panel trucks, etc near the stadium. OK if I'm a terrorist I'm thinking, light plane, powdered plutonium. crop dusting. You get the picture.
  5. and lets not forget the DVD's of the glory years. And Madden, there's always Madden
  6. NHL.con and the top banner- View the frozen moment? It's still there.
  7. click on "View the frozen moment" makes a great background.
  8. thats an awful lot of money for talentless guys
  9. I'm sure you've all heard about this by now. The good news is that no one is worried about the game in Dolfelon stadium this week-end. No one will be there anyway.
  10. Arent we the country with a sudden concern for the vast numbers of obese children? Maybe if they let them walk slowly and play tag?
  11. I find it telling, that all of you, like the media have conveniently forgotten that iit was FIU that instigated the fight by attacking what were unquestionably the smallest players on the field. Apologist. No. But perhaps if you came out from behind your curtain of anonymity it wouldnt be so easy to point fingers or throw stones. btw a Shillelagh is a walking stick used by the Irish. So that's it. I'm not going to argue incessantly about the incident.
  12. You must be able to see quite a distance from the high horse you're on. The "helmet swinger" FYI has been suspended indefinitley and will probably be cut. It's mysterious how most major colleges suspend players only if the next week's team is a cupcake, or they suspend them for a 'quarter'. It must really sting not to start a game. BTW you didnt address basebrawls or hockey. Are we being selective?
  13. Last October ,Wilma took down my neighbors monstously huge Oak tree. I have enough firewood for a year. Now, if itt would only drop below 90.
  14. Donna Shalalah has instituted measures by which players would be removed from the team for actions of the sort that FIU instigated. If you think that Miami is the only team ever involved in a bench clearing brawl then you're delusional. See any Baseball games ever? Batters charging the mound and the dugouts open up. Watch Hockey lately? All the skaters and once and a while the goalies beating the crap out of one another. Oh, that's OK, that's accepted. It's expected. It's a knee jerk reaction. It makes news. I don't agree with the helmet swinging, or the head stomping. I agree with sticking up for a team mate. It's old news. It's tired, like every time I hear about the Bills 4 Superbowl losses. also: condoned rambled she was: not was was summarize not summerize
  15. Hmmm, it would take me over 1000 years to make that salary, and I work 40 hours a week. Well, I'm supposed to anyway.
  16. Oh My God! It's a sign of the apocalypse! The VS announcers referred to the Sabres as an 'Elite' team!
  17. I can't understand why Hitchcock didn't give him the courtesy yank after the brutal 2nd period. Is that like a reach around?
  18. What was that noise? Sabres just scored again.
  19. . Some geographic areas get snow, some get hurricanes. Nobody forces anyone to live here or there...there are always risks attached to personal choice. Like those stupid bastages that lived out west and had to endure brush fires.
  20. now the Scum Sentinel is citing the efforts of the Cinci been-gals and how they once went 1-6 and turned their season around. Hmmm, is there anyone that went 1-7 and turned it around? If so phone it into the Sentinel.
  21. They're making noises on the radio like they feel the Felons will go up to Chicago and take care of business
  22. They havent said anything about Gandy that a dozen of us on the board have already said
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