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Everything posted by dib

  1. She looks like she should be swinging from a tree
  2. We're waiting for the mothership to return.
  3. A Roman soldier walks into a bar and says "I want a martunis" The bartender says "Don't you mean martini?" The Roman says "If I had wanted more than one I would have asked for them"
  4. If you think they're awesome from space you should try going through one of them.
  5. I found the show to be hideously stupid. A Lt. telling the XO "I have to pee"? I'm sure 8th graders were rolling in the aisles.
  6. I'm fine, thanks for asking. We're under tornado watch also. House if bunkered up, watching and waiting.
  7. I thought this thread was going to be about the Bills season.
  8. for some reason i cant open the nook app on my ipad. I wonder if this is a temporary problem with Nook. Anyone have any insight?
  9. Time for her to get back into the casket before the sun comes up
  10. Combat
  11. Dont forget to hang a shrimp on the rim, and maybe a peperoncini or two
  12. Good thing Kieth Jackson retired.
  13. Actually one bomb was slated for Berlin, but lucky for them their war ended before the drop,
  14. Can you imagine what could have happened had the Indy been sunk before delivering the bomb components
  15. thank God i'm not a millennial
  16. She looks like she's getting an unexpected colonoscopy.
  17. 352 . I still have my draft card.
  18. I was on Romper Room, does that count?
  19. there were 5, i got 4
  20. YES!!! I couldn't for the life of me remember the title. Thank You too much!
  21. thought for a second that was it, but nope.
  22. not more than a couple of years ago, the 'troubles' took a variety of forms
  23. A while ago there was a 'sci fi' show that involved a small town that had 'troubles' (aka wierd happenings) . anyone remember the name of this show?
  24. I plan on being cremated and having my ashes included in a reef ball and then residing in the Atlantic as an artificial reef.
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