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Everything posted by dib

  1. Black T-shirt- Got Sabres? printed in white. I'll try again, or go to e-bay and type in "Got Sabres" There are a few variations as well now? http://cgi.ebay.com/got-sabres-Buffalo-Bra...VQQcmdZViewItem
  2. I'm sure his wife and children will find the episode hilarious.
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/got-sabres-Buffalo-Bra...1QQcmdZViewItem
  4. nefarious and 'vein' in the same sentence. hmmmmm
  5. Missed it, I'll try and catch it later. Max skates 100 mph with his hair on fire.
  6. Especially about booing the 'America anatham', and never having 'rode the subway'
  7. Sports center had a nice piece on them this morning. Afinogenov's goal was a classic
  8. It's OK, because as far as the South Florida media is concerned, the Sabres don't even exist.
  9. I dont see it as either/or. It's a Buffalo Sports team-period.
  10. I was hoping for "Alas Babylon" and got "lost" light instead.
  11. I missed an entire season and didnt notice any plot enhancements
  12. thanks SDS, I'll have to try later at home because I keep getting access denied.
  13. Now do you believe......These guys are good, they're scarey good. I have some Jenerette (sic) calls as ring tones but I'd lke this one.
  14. To paraphrase Ex Coach McCay ( I believe) of the Bucs. "What do you think of the O lines execution?" "I'm all for it."
  15. They've played out of the country for years, every time they go to Dade county.
  16. Well, it is almost Halloween.
  17. Pop up and breasts in the same sentence- how ironic.
  18. Any way around my firewall to see Kari?
  19. BTW- could the Bruins announcers (for those watching the Center Ice feed) be any duller? 815747[/snapback] At least you dont have to listen to the whiney little * on VS.
  20. I cant freakin believe it. 3 pages and no one comes up with- No I dont use snow tires because they melt in the spring.
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