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Everything posted by dib

  1. I would have thought that Steve Martin or the estate of Groucho Marx would have sued.
  2. Joey Harrington: "There's no reason we can't win the rest of our games." ARE YOU LISTENING BUFFALO?
  3. I owned a brand new off the showroom floor full sized Bronco. Absolute worst POS I ever owned. "Bought American" Bought a Chevy Monza. While working underneath the "American Car" I saw a tag- "Product du Canada" There is no such thing as an "American Car" anymore.
  4. You're lucky, you dont have to watch commercials in Spanish, and others with actors with heavy spanish accents.
  5. He can always go back to Pizza delivery
  6. OK "Just out of High School CC boy" you win. I wont get into a p*ssing contest with you because you obviously are more worldy, erudite and have all the answers. Have a nice day. I hope your auto mechanics class, cosmetology class, whatever, goes well.
  7. Oh, so it's not if you're right or wrong, it's HOW right or wrong you are. I'll wait to you leave for work to go to bed and get laid.
  8. Which one is she? On the left or the right?
  9. 3. One of the best points made in this thread was that the city of Miami has a lot to do with this, probably much more so than the school's reputation. 829091[/snapback] The U is in Coral Gables, about as much as Ralph Wilson Stadium is in Buffalo. Again, someone talking out of their @ss
  10. Maybe if you knew how to spell the coaches name your post about the program would have a little more credence. Who shot Pata? Do you know? If someone shoots a member of your family does that make your family member a thug?
  11. Pennington is a cone. He got used.
  12. How bad are the Leafs this year? Panthers 4 Leafs 2
  13. . Who knows, they may reward you with a comeback if they find themselves behind in the fourth quarter. 823431[/snapback] Whoa whoa whoa, back the truck up. I've been a Bills fan longer than most of the players have been alive, and they're going to "Reward me" by having to come from behind to win a game? A reward would be dominating the game, and the season. It's their job to win games not to say "Oh well gee, they've been so good to us lets try and win this one now." If you want to watch someone come from behind and feel rewarded go rent some porn.
  14. David Gerber, 16, a Goldstein junior, said he was so enraged by Petryk that he took it out physically on him. "I warned him, 'You're going to get beat up by every single Jew in this school,' and I personally kicked him," Gosh, he must have been beside himself with rage- he "kicked him' Damn lucky the kid didnt get his eyes scratched out.
  15. Duh. Took me a second. Must be this head cold
  16. That's been kicking around in various incarnations for a while. The popular shirt down here a while ago was "Buffalo Sucks" To which I replied: "Miami swallows"
  17. Why are the Sabres trying to give me a heart attack? Why?
  18. And that all time favorite- "I'm being followed by an f-16, f-16"
  19. Was he at least doing it "doggy syle"?
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