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Everything posted by dib

  1. Once you have established yourself and got experience in your field of work...move back... The reason I had to leave, was because there were no jobs in my field of work.
  2. Ex 3rd team Bill, and Gay-tor is the new emergency QB for the Felons. Mathews was yanked from his job as a Coach for a touch football team for 7 year olds. His last NFL pass- 2004.
  3. You seem to have a lot of time on your hands, what's your MOS?
  4. Sabres ("He hit the post, he hit the ing post" Something I remember hearing on the radio decades ago) Miami Hurricanes
  5. That's why they're the Dol-felons. Dolphin- A mammal without external genitalia
  6. YOU CANT DO THIS TO THE MOST FAITHFUL FANS IN FOOTBALL. 864430[/snapback] Sure they can it's "bidness"
  7. Do you have a warmer for the baby wipes? It's much nicer (I would assume) to have your bottom wiped with a warm wipe than a cold one. Baby monitor? Since you are undoubtedly still using bottles, look into the set up that lets you microwave ( to sterilize) the plastic bottles that use inserts. These things arent so much for the little one as they are to make your life easier.
  8. I hear the're using duct tape to repair the propellers on the team plane.
  9. Robert Fulghum says it for me: " It's harder to talk about, but what I really really really want for Christmas is to be 5 years old again for an hour. I want to laugh a lot and cry a lot. I want to be picked up and rocked to sleep in someone's arms, and carried up to bed just one more time. I know what I really want for Christmas. I want my childhood back. Nobody is going to give me that."
  10. Or did the Rams logo at midfield look suspiciously like a banana slug with a helmet?
  11. If you wear Daytona 500 do you have an uncontrolable urge to make left hand turns for 3 hours?
  12. Dolphin: A mammal without external genitalia.
  13. "Among the Americans serving on Iwo island, uncommon valor was a common virtue." (Adm. Chester A. Nimitz)
  14. American air forces pounded Iwo in the longest sustained aerial offensive of the war. "No other island received as much preliminary pounding as did Iwo Jima." . . . Admiral Nimitz, CINPAC Incredibly, this ferocious bombardment had little effect. Hardly any of the Japanese underground fortresses were touched.
  15. Will we still be using money then?
  16. Try these as well Uncommon Valor, Commom Virtue by Buell Iwo Jima by Newcomb Iwo Jima: Legacy of Valor by Ross
  17. There used to be a line of Batlebot toys that you could build and fight.
  18. Idiom? Ithought that was someone who did something really stupid?
  19. I was there. It was a serious BOHICA game. The Sabres looked flat and slow and completed more passes to the Panthers than to other Sabres. Riduculous reffing, Phantom calls and no calls against the Panthers. Near the end of the game one of the Sabres gets an elbow in the back of the head and the is subsequently mugged. The Sabres get a total of about 17 minutes worth of penalties, the Panthers- 2 minutes. Homejob. Of course then after the game you have to put up with "Buffalo Sucks" which is odd coming from scum sucking basement dwellers whose fans dont really know a ing thing about hockey. Lots of Sabres fans though.
  20. Did you ever see the Korean war memorial covered in snow, at night, then it looks really eerily real.
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