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Everything posted by dib

  1. The new cannabis flavored propel?
  2. Uh Oh we're next, the Florida state flag is reminiscent of the stars and bars
  3. Is that DNA evidence collected from the restaurant admissable in court? Yes. it became public property when he left it behind. I agree with Iraqi justice. Hang and or decapitate him. Tell me what's wrong with this story. Down here a guy was convicted for raping and killing a 10 year old boy. This was 10 years ago. He's still alive and wants a retrial. Send him to Baghdad.
  4. This is as funny as when the weather readers use the term 'wind chill' in South Florida
  5. Wasnt this concept already explored in "Enterprise" Get Kirstie Alley to reprise her role. Of course she would have to stand on the opposite side of the bridge so the Enterprise doesnt tilt to one side.
  6. Does having 'Sunday ticket' count as attending?
  7. If they play in Spain they'll never notice the difference.
  8. Oh and, Mr. Peters if you're going to pick a fight dont go at it like a little girl and get your @ss waxed.
  9. I'd let her give me an oral exam.
  10. A guy from Philly calling Buffalo dreary? A guy from a city that erected a statue to a movie character? Bringing life to the downtown area? The only people in downtown Philly are the graffiti artists. I guess I shouldnt be too upset, probably neither of the 2 people that subscribe to the Delaware Couny Daily Times even read the article.
  11. I wanted to get G8RH8R but it wont fit on my type of plate.
  12. Whats wrong with coming hard? What?
  13. Maybe he was trying to wake up their sleeping bag.
  14. Just a thought, why not buy the condoms and flour at home and make the cookie dildoes there?
  15. A certain satellite company has 'directly' allowed us to see a free week of center ice. Three sabres games starting tonight against the Blackhawks.
  16. Reading, collecting lead soldiers, painting 1/16th scale military figures. Sabres hockey.
  17. The SEC is far superior to all the other coferences.
  18. Chinqua? Kihsa? How did a 'Dorothy' sneak in there?
  19. I wonder when we'll see the last of the faux-hawks ?
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