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Everything posted by dib

  1. Doe that make the Patriots the Sabres of football?
  2. could have been worse, he might have used a packydurm.
  3. remind me again how many sacks the Raiders gave up?
  4. Fart Freedom Day!!!!! thats what I told my family "Doctors orders"
  5. Hockey players eat their dead.
  6. . But close enough where I wouldnt even call it dirty. I'm sure if someone blasted you from behind after you got rid of the puck you'd feel the same way. And dont split hairs about whether it was from behind or not- Drury didnt even turn his head to look, he had no chance to see the hit coming.
  7. Been there done that. Does the word "hershey squirts" mean anything to you? I was so dehydrated they couldnt find a vein
  8. Read that his morning, Harrington is as good as gone, as guess green will be the next Felons "savior"
  9. Now teachers are whining that 20 are too many. they are lucky indeed most classes have 34-5. remember that the next time you get upset with your 1-2 children
  10. I wish I had the option as to whether or not to renew my Bills season tickets.
  11. Down here in Habana Norte 'esteem' is what comes out of a tea kettle.
  12. she looks like she just got done saying: "duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" I'd still play motorboat though.
  13. dib


    Hardest Working team in Hockey
  14. I'm surprised that I don't have a Biron jersey.
  15. It was pretty comical. So is Gore
  16. Ellens act is like an Adam Sandler movie, it's the same thing over and over again.
  17. maybe it's functional. This way she can get a better seal.
  18. It is only a matter of time before the "lifestyle" of a porn star catches up with you. Siiiiiigh, I know.
  19. I wouldnt be able to leave them alone
  20. http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/ar...NEWS01/70226055 Mr. "Greenhouse" seems to speak with forked tongue. Sure he purchases green blocks and 1 of his cars is a hybrid. 10,000 square feet for two people does sound a little ostentatious. I'm sure his private jet is a hybrid though, you know gas/electric.
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